Norm McLeod Presence of God 23/03/14

Sunday, 23 March 2014 9:07 am



Great presence of God here….Norm experienced oil on hands as worshipped

Church destined to carry life of God to community

God has plan for every house of faith…we have unique calling to our city

Denominationalism is dead….key is relationships


Law of first mention

Gen1‐3 God speaks about relationships….this is his heart

First mention of relationships Gives key insights

God intended us for relationships not programs…gather to His presence

Solomon built a house for God…not for people…God inhabited it

House is an empty building until someone is present….

…people don't visit a house they visit a house in which there are people present

…the presence of people attracts others to the house

People gather to the presence of God..programs must facilitate presence of God


Gen.3 daily God walked with Adam…where are you?...relational question

God knew where Adam was physically…his question was about relationship

God still is asking…where are you?


Divine Design

1. Designed for relationship

Every person is created for relationship with God daily…design for fellowship

When we encounter God we gain perspective on our identity, who we are…

We better than animals…we are part of gods family…made in his image to relate

Key Purpose…connect with God daily….Honour God daily…

eg 2Sam.6:10‐12 Obed Edom…presence of God in house for three months and not in

Israel ……God blessed and everyone heard of the blessing in his house

Respected God when there was no respect for God in the nation

What was he doing that cause God to manifest his presence in such a way

Great honor and respect for God…..and worship daily, honored His presence


2. Designed for purpose…dominion

Eph.2:10 We are created for good works

When Adam lost sight of Gods perspective he feared the presence of God

Must make time with God the number 1 priority

People make other things their priority.. Lose perspective on who they are

What we gather to becomes our perspective daily….overflows to all of life

Achieving does not give a sense of significance…comes from relationship with God

People fill their lives with activities as a substitute for relationship with God

Works are the overflow of relationship with God

God loved us from the beginning

"God, what do you love about me." ….good question to ask

He loves your unique personality

Don't try to find significance in what you do

Significance is a state of being

Achievement is a state of doing



Norms Experience

1991 God called norm to Gisborne to build a church…people came to the presence of

God….result miracles, salvations

Exod.25:8 Moses built a house for God

2Chron. 7:1 Solomon and the people… let us build Him a house. House is for God

God filled it with glory of His presence

Acts2:1‐4 God doesn't dwell in buildings anymore…lives in people

We are the house of God individually and corporately….to be filled with his Glory

They communed with God….their focus first was on God not on mission

Waited on God and became…filled with His presence and 3000 people gathered

Church must be a place where presence of God is there….draws people

Gen.26:19‐20 Philistines filled the well Abraham had dug with dirt and stopped the

flow of water…blocked the life giving waters

There is a well of god within us…it can easily be blocked up and filled with dirt

Must unblock the wells of God…get the dirt out of our heart

There is a new day here for BayCity..unlock the wells from within and let God inhabit

Gisborne..people gathered to the presence of God….not programs, but life

Testimonies of people healed in presence of God abounded…people drawn

God is in our midst…people healed in the service….Holy Spirit is the Anchor of soul

Heaven….place of worship…free will offerings to God 24 hours a day

Rev.4:10 Elders cast down crowns..accomplishments…and worshipped the Lamb Jesus

We need to worship God daily…casting down crowns and focussing upon Him

God loves gratitude, worship……builds the house

Build a life that attracts God….worship, gratitude, appreciation, love, communion


Build a church that God seeks out to inhabit.

Is.66‐1‐2 heaven is my throne and earth is my footstool, where is the house you will

build for me? And where is the place of my rest?

Do something for God no one else is doing…intimacy, personal, private

Worship in secret and God shows up publicly during week and when we meet.

Gisborne have focussed on presence of God….now having great miracles weekly

Eg. Terminal cancer in pancreas healed without prayer…

Keep focus on God and his presence……warfare and worship

Connect, commune, carry his presence! Perspective…who you are

Col1:27 Christ flowing through you to touch lives…focus on relationship

Obed Edom….honored God daily…attracted the presence of God

If want new things in God…must do something different daily

Don't do the same things…do something different!

Focus on God first…not on needs, or Intercession

Agenda free, uninterrupted time alone with God…time allocated to each member of

the godhead….Father, Son and Holy Spirit

Make pursuit of God the passion of life

Spend time on God…can get spend money and get it back…..but can never get time

back, most precious thing you have

Allocate specific time to be with God and stick to it

Adoration, thanksgiving, ….become a friend not just a follower

God has many followers few friends…eg only one leper came back to thank ..1 in ten

Do a 1 in 10 meeting with God daily… daily with God a deep connection that

attracts the presence of God

Norm…..Beginning to see many miracles as have encouraged the church to practice the

presence of God daily in private lives

Make God number 1 in life and honor His presence daily.

2Sam.6:5‐10 David made big mistake when he carried ark on a cart…disrespect for

presence of God, not following the way God had prescribed

2Sam.6:12‐ He heard of the blessing on the house of Obed Edom who hosted the ark

and honored the presence of God along with his family

David returned honoring God…6 steps and then sacrifice

Thanksgiving , praise and love for God passionate and uninhibited

Presence of God manifested powerfully


Make your daily priority….time in intimacy with God, worship, gratitude, love,



Time to launch forth again…new season of destiny being fulfilled


Personal Application

1. How would you describe your relationship with God currently?

2. Read Gen.3:8‐13

How did Adam and Eve respond to the presence of God?

What are the fig leaves and trees you use sometimes to conceal yourself and

hide from the presence of God?

What changes do you need to make to deepen your relationship with God?

3. Read Gen.26:19‐20

Why do you think the Philistines filled in the wells Abraham had dug?

How did Isaac respond to the contention he experienced over the wells?

How freely does the life and presence of god flow out from you Jn.7:38.

What could you do to increase the flow of the presence of god through you

4. Read Is.66:1‐2

What does God reveal in these verses that He desires from us?

What qualities can we develop in our life that attracts the presence of God

Which of these qualities do you most need to cultivate and could you do to

develop it?

5. Read 2Sam.6:10‐16

What was the outcome in the life of Obed‐Edom of hosting the Presence of God?

How would he have experienced this in practical ways…use your imagination!

How did David express his love and devotion for The Lord?

In what ways do you hold back from wholehearted worship? Why?

Why do you think Michael was a spectator, refusing to participate in the revival

that was taking place?

What is the Holy Spirit saying to you about your personal relationship with him?