Jesus the Just Judge

4 February 2013


1.   Introduction

·         The Bible from Genesis to Revelation reveals who Jesus Christ is.

·         Jn.5:39-40 “You search the Scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life, and these are they which testify of Me, but you are not willing to come to me that you may have life”.

·         Foundational Questions: 1) Who is Jesus? 2) How will I respond to Him?

·         Book of Revelation =

1) Passionate Bridegroom 2) Sovereign King 3) Righteous Judge (Rev.9)

·         Jn.5:22 “For the Father judges no-one, but has committed all judgement to the Son, that all should honour the Son just as they honour the Father. He who does not honour the Son does not honour the Father who sent Him”.

·         Understanding the principle of eternal judgements is foundational to maturing. (Heb.6:1-3).


2.   God loves Justice and Judgement

·         Ps.89:14            “Righteousness and Justice are the foundation of your Throne”. NKJV

“Justice and Judgement are the habitation of thy Throne”. KJV

Justice = OT6664 Tsedeq = right, just = Tsedagah = generosity to the poor.

Judgement = OT4941 Shaphail = to judge, deliver, rule = a third party who sits over two parties at odds with one another, hears their case, decides what is right and what to do about it. He functions as a judge and jury and ensures the judgement is carried out.

·         Jer.9:24 “…I am the Lord exercising loving kindness, judgement and righteousness in the earth for in these things I delight says the Lord”.

Delight = OT2654 = to bend towards, be pleased with, desire, eager and jealous, attentive for.

·         Jer.22:16 “He judged the cause of the poor and needy, then was it well with him, was not this to know me? Says the Lord?”

·         God is concerned about the issues of injustice, poverty, oppression.

·         Jesus’ first coming was to deal with the root issue – sin!

·         Jesus’ second coming will be as a powerful King who loves His people and has come to execute justice and judgement.

·          Gen. 18:25 “…shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?”


3. Jesus Will Return to Judge the Earth (Is.26:9)

·         Is.26:9 “When your judgements are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness.”

·         Rev.8: Future, progressive judgements of God in the earth.

(i) These are parallel to the judgements of God against god’s of Egypt (Exod.12:12)

(ii) These judgements are triggered by intercession of God’s people (vs2-5)

(iii) Trumpets     – used to sound war (Num.10:9)

                           - used to announce enthronement of King (1 Kg.1:34)

(iv) Judgements are released globally:

Natural        8vs7    Vegetation and food supply

                           8vs8    Sea Trade and food supply

                           8vs10 Water Supply

                           8vs12  Light – cosmic disturbances



       Spiritual       9vs1    Demonic spirits unleashed

                           9vs13  Demonic angels released

                           9vs1    Kingdom of God established on the earth!

·         When judgements fell on Egypt God’s people were present but protected.

·          How can we respond?


4. How we respond to Jesus the Righteous Judge


(i)     Receive Christ as Saviour – Surrender to His leadership - Jn. 3:16-18


(ii) Take responsibility for your life – stop blaming, living as a victim - Rom. 14:10-12


(iii)                Become Accountable – let people speak into your life - Heb.13:17


(iv)   Don’t judge by appearances – listen, question – Jn. 5:30; Jn. 7:24


(v)  Keep your heart free from injustice, offense and anger – Rom. 12:17-21; Jam. 4:11


(vi) Generosity to the poor, needy and oppressed – Lk. 10:33


(vii)   Serve the Lord with Passion and Excellence – He rewards! – Col. 3:23.