Who Is Jesus? The Passionate Bridegroom

10 February 2013


1.   Introduction

·         The key question Jesus asked Peter: Who do you say that I am? (Mt.16:15-16)

·         The main theme of the Book of Revelation is the revealing of Jesus Christ. (Rev.1:1)

·         Rev.19:7-9 “…the marriage of the Lamb has come and His wife has made herself ready”.

·         Rev.19 Reveals Jesus as:

(i) A Passio9nate Bridegroom – coming to fulfil His Wedding promises

(ii) A sovereign King – coming to conquer His enemies and rule

(iii) A Righteous Judge – coming to call all men to account

·         Each picture reveals a different aspect of who Jesus is and how He relates to us.

·         N.T. has 23 different references to the Bridegroom aspect of Jesus.


2.   The Jewish Wedding – Key Elements

·         The Jewish wedding consisted of two distinct parts: Betrothal and the Wedding.


(a)    The Betrothal (Kiddushin) (Mt.1:18-19 Joseph and Mary)

 (i) The Arrangement (Shiddukhin)

·         Either the father of the groom arranged the marriage (Samson), or the father sends an agent in his place (Abraham), or the young man comes by himself to the girl’s father to arrange the marriage.

·         The young man brought money, a wedding contract and a flask of wine.


(ii) The Bridal Price (mohair)

·            The two men discussed and agreed upon the price that would be paid to

purchase the bride. It changed her status, freeing her from her father’s house.


(iii) The Wedding Contract (Ketubah)

·           The groom then proposed to the bride and if she consented the marriage contract (Ketubah) was written up and signed.

·           This binding document called a “Ketubah” was kept in the bride’s possession until the consummation of the marriage.

·           The wedding contract laid out all the groom’s promises of provision for his bride and details about the wedding arrangements.


(iv) The Bridal Gift (Matan)

·         Once the proposal was agreed, the price paid, and the wedding contract signed they drank wine together. In the drinking of the wine the bride commits to the groom – they are now betrothed and considered married.

·         The groom gives a bridal gift to his bride, a reminder to his bride of his love for her and his coming to receive her as his wife.


(v) The Betrothal Period (Kiddinshim – set apart, holy)

·         After the betrothal the bride was considered to be married although still living separate from her bridegroom. It would take a divorce to break the betrothal.

·         The Groom – went to his father’s house to prepare a bridal chamber and home for the bride to live in – by extending the Father’s house.

·         The Bride makes preparation during the period of separation from the groom.

-       She prepares herself and her wedding garments

-       She had to be ready and watchful as her groom would come at night

-       She wears a veil to indicate she belongs only to the groom.


(b)  The Wedding Ceremony (Nissuin = to carry)

(i) The Return of the Groom

·         At a time determined by his father the Bridegroom returns for his bride.

·         Since the exact timing was a surprise the bride had to be ready.

·         The groomsmen run ahead of the groom to sound the Shafar and shout.


(ii) The Bridal Chamber (Chuppah)

·         The shout warned the bride to go out with her bridesmaids to meet the groom and return with him to his father’s house.

·         On their wedding day the Bride and Groom are called King and Queen.

·         The Groom and the bride entered the bridal chamber and consummated the marriage once the ceremony is complete.

·         Then the guests celebrate together for seven days.


3. Jesus Our Bridegroom

·         He pursues us with passionate love and longing for us (1 Jn.4:19)

·         He has paid the full bridal price – His life (1 Cor.6:20)

·         He invites us into covenant relationship with Him (Mt 26:27)

He gives us His Word – the Bible outlining the covenant.

·         He gives us the gift of the Holy Spirit (Eph.1:13-14)

·         He promises a place in his father’s house (Jn.14:1-3)

·         He promises to return and complete the marriage (Rev.19:7)


4. Our Response to Jesus


(a) Receive Christ and His Offer of Covenant Relationship

      Rev.3:20 “Behold I stand at the door and knock – if any man hears my voice and open the door I will come unto him. I dine with him and he with me.”


(b) Receive the Holy Spirit

Acts 1:8 “You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you and be witnesses to unto me”.


(c) Prepare Ourselves for Jesus Return

       (i) 2 Cor.11:2 Personal devotion and loyalty to Jesus.

       (ii) Esther 2:15 Yielding to the Holy Spirit to shape our attitudes and behaviour

       (iii) Mt.25:10 Prayer/Word – pursuant of God’s presence and power.

 (iv) Rev.19:7 Acts of compassion/generosity that spread the Gospel

             Righteousness = Acts of righteousness.

             O.T. Righteousness = Tsedagah = Acts of compassion.


How will You respond to Jesus Christ?