The Steps of a Good Man

10 February 2013


1.   Introduction

·         Many people believe in fate, luck = they don’t see the hand of God working in their life.

·         Ps 37:23 “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord and He delights in His way”.

·         God has worked out your life in detail – Your steps are important to God and He has a plan.

Good Man” = OT1397 = to be strong, valiant warrior, also = any person.

Ordered” = OT3559 = to set up, establish, prepare, direct, make prosperous.

Prov. 16:9 “A man’s heart plans his way but the Lord directs his steps.”

Jer. 10:23 “…It is not in man who walks to directs his steps.”

·         God’s steps are not the same as our steps.

Our steps “Today I will go to the beach, tomorrow I will go to work”.

God’s steps from strength to strength Ps 84:7; from faith to faith Rom.1:17; from glory to glory 2 Cor. 3:18.

·         God is sovereign but He has given you a free will to work out the details.

·         God is constantly giving opportunity to choose to go to the next level of favour.

·         “He delights” = OT2654 = to move towards, take pleasure in, favours.

·         Your steps are ordered by the Lord – your part is to make choices how to respond.


2.   Five Key Decisions that Release Favour


(i) Meditate in the Word of God (Word of God)

Ps.37:31 “The law of God is in his heart; none of his steps shall slide

“Slide” = OT4571 = to shake, waiver, slip

·         E.G. Joshua: Josh.1:8 “…meditate in it day and night that you may observe to do it according to all that is written in it.  For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.”

·         ‘Prosperous’ = OT6743 = to push forward, advance, break out.


(ii) Expect Good Things Daily (Faith)

·         Ps.27:13 “I would have fainted unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.”

·         Faith is a choice – choose to believe God is good, choose to believe His Word.

E.g. Habakkuk;  Math. 3:17-18 - yet will I rejoice in the Lord.

·         Faith is vocal, faith speaks, faith has a sound that impacts our world.

·         2 Cor.4:13 “I believed therefore I spoke.”

·         What expectations do you have of God? What great expectations?


(iii) Build Relationships with People of Faith (fellowship)

·         2 Cor. 12:18 “Did we not walk in the same spirit, did we not walk in the same steps?”

·         Paul and Titus walked in the same spirit.

·         We need to find people of life faith and build relationships with them.

·         Eliminate negative people from your life – focus on developing positive relationships.

·          Ps 101:5-7 “My eyes shall be on the faithful of the land”.

·          David was extremely selective about the people he formed close relationships with.

·          1 Sam. 23:16-17 “Jonathan, Saul’s son, arose, and went to David in the field and strengthened his hand in God.”

·          Jonathan strengthened David by addressing his fears, affirming God’s Word and his commitment to him.


(iv) Endure Hardship with a Positive Attitude

·         1 Pet.2:21 “…Christ also suffered for us leaving us an example that you should follow His steps.”

·         Example = NT5261 = a copy for invitation

·         Pressures, difficulties, set-backs are a part of life – we choose how we respond.

·         Jesus walked through difficulties with an attitude of joy and hope. (Heb.12:2)

·         God has ordered our steps – all things work together for our good. (Rom.8:28)

·         E.G. Joseph Gen.45:6-7 “…It was not you who sent me here but God …”


(v) Get Up Again when You Fail

·         Ps.37:23-24 “Though he fall he shall not be utterly cast down, for the Lord upholds him with His hand.”

·         “Fall” = OT5307 = to fail, be thrown down, be overwhelmed.

·         Don’t draw back in your personal world when you face setbacks or fail.

·         God has ordered your steps – your future is good.

·         God does not condemn you (Rom.8:1) get up again! Get going with God.

·         E.G. David 2 Sam.12:19-24 “Arose, went into house of the Lord and worshipped.”


Your steps are ordered by God – Your future is good! – Believe It!


·         Meditate in the word/promises of God

·         Expect good things from God daily

·         Build supportive relationships

·         Endure hardships with positive attitude

·         Get up again and get going for God!