Partnership for Kingdom Advance (2)

11 March 2012


1. Introduction

= Command to trade and to gain increase for the kingdom.

= Make disciples, change society.

(i) Servants – what reward?   (ii) Citizens who rejected his reign.


2. Key Insights from Parable

(i)   God  invites everyone to be great in His Kingdom

·         Mt.5:19 Least in the Kingdom … great in the Kingdom”

·         Greatness and reward are two major themes in Jesus Sermon on the Mount.

·         Key theme of teaching is the journey to greatness and how to get there.

·         God has planted the desire for greatness in your heart – it is a God given longing.

·         Jesus taught that there is a range of glory and greatness in the Kingdom.

·         Some will be called least and some will be called great.

·         Our rewards in eternity will differ. (1 Cor.15:41-42).

·         Rev. 19:5 Praise to God all you his servants and those who fear him small and great.

·         God invites us to greatness and to reward without regard to external achievements.

·         Mt. 5:19

            Greatness is connected to inner heart attitudesintimacy and obedience.

            Greatness is connected to the type of influence with have on others.


3. God gives Every Person an Assignment to fulfil

·         Lk 19:13 “…Occupy until I come”.

·         Occupy = to trade = to be busy or proactive in Kingdome affairs.

·         Life on earth is like a 70 year internship that prepares us for ministry in the age to come (Ps.90:10).

·         Your preparatory assignment = 70years+ assigned on earth (Eph 3:20).

Your primary assignment = 1000 years assignment on earth after Jesus returns.

·         In your 70 years internship on earth you face two issues you must choose –

(i) Will I love Jesus and live in His family?

(ii) Will I function in Jesus Government for 1000 years and all eternity?

·         The choices you make now determine your ministry assignment in the age to come.

·         Key issues: Jesus affirmation: “Well Done” (Luke 19:17). Not approval of men.

4. Rewards in Millenium and in Eternity are at stake

·         Lk. 19:15 “When he returned … called his servants to Him that he might know how much every man had gained by trading”.

·         Rewards are held out for faithful service.

·         Mt.16:27 “For the son of Man will come … then He will reward each man according to His worth”.

·         Two great hopes of believer Jesus will come – He will reward.

Jesus teachings is full of references to rewards = ‘treasures in heaven’.

·         External rewards = external expression of internal love for Jesus.

                                    = tangible physical expression of inner response to Jesus.

·         We will be rewarded openly for things that cannot be seen now. (1 Cor. 4:5)


5.   Rewards in Millennium include Ruling with Christ

·         Lk 19:17 “Faithful in very little … have authority over ten cities”

·         Millenium = 1000 years period when Jesus rules on earth.

·         The Kingdom of heaven will be openly manifest worldwide.

·         The Kingdom of heaven will affect every sphere of life.

·         It will be a period of blessing and restoration initiated by Jesus at His coming.

·         The earth will be progressively restored. Ps 72:11

·         All the earth will be saved; worship Jesus and base the gut upon Bible.

·         Jesus as King of Kings will govern in partnership with two types of kings.

(i) Kings of Earth – non resurrected bodies.

(ii)Resurrected Kings (those that come forth in the first resurrection).


6. The Basis for Reward – Service/Intimacy with Christ

1 Cor. 3:13-14 - Every man’s work will be evaluated with reward in mind. Loss is a real possibility.


Basis for Reward

·         Opportunity given             (Mt. 21) Servants in vineyard.

·         Intimacy                (Mt. 25:1-13) Virgins with lamp (ministry) and oil.

·         Capacity                (Mt. 25:14-30) Servants, talents, different capacity.

·         Productivity           (Lk.19:11-26) Servants rewarded differently.

·         Heart Motivation   (Mt. 28:45-51) Servants attitude, 1 Cor. 13.


7. Partnership can increase Productivity

·         Lk. 19:23 “Why did you not put my money in the bank … gain interest”

·         Most people have limited capacity, talent.

·         What we accomplish on our own is small!

·         What we accomplish together is great!