Partnership for Kingdom Advance

4 March 2012


1. Introduction



2. Parable of the Talents – Mt. 25:14-30


(1) Overview


(2) God invites every person to be great in the Kingdom

….. whoever desires to be first among you let him be your slave.


(3) God gives to every person an assignment to fulfil (Mt.25:15)


(4) For most believers their God given assignment is small (Mt.25:15)


(5) God plans to reward all believers for their service in the Kingdom


(a) “Few Things” v21, 23


(b) “Many Things” v21, 23


(c) I will make you Ruler


(d) Enter the Joy


(e) God calls us to focus on three areas


(i) “Doing Good” v21, 23

·         What motivates you to do what you do?

·         Good =18= to wonder at, to think highly of, excelling – Mt.22:37.

·         Called to Love the Lord your god with all your heart, …, love your neighbour as yourself”.

·         Love =       (i) Heart connected to God

(ii) Develop relationships with people

(ii) Being Faithful in Assignment v21, 23

·         God gives you an assignment specific to you and your responsibility is:

o   Discover assignment

o   Prepare self – develop skill, knowledge.

o   Persevere in fulfilling what God called you to do.

(iii) Developing Servant Heart v21, 23

·         Servant heart sees God and people as being important.

·         Servant heart treats people with kindness and generosity.

·         Servant heart means laying down personal agenda to fulfil will of God.


(f) Partnership is more productive than preservation Mt.25:27