God’s Word Works in You

15 July 2012


1.   Introduction


·         Last week we identified spiritual forces that work in you – energize and empower you.

·         1 Thess 2:13 “…when you received the Word of God which you heard of from us, you received it, not as the word of men, but as it is in truth the Word of God, which effectively works in you that believe”.

·         “Effectively Works” =NT1754= Energeo – to energize, to be active, to rouse into activity.

·         God’s Word is unique – it has power to transform your life, to energize you with the life and power of God.

·         God’s Word can energize you to overcome adversity, setbacks, temptations.

·         Jn.6:63 “The words I speak to you are spirit and they are life.

·         God’s Word is breathed on by the Holy Spirit and has power to energize spirit, soul and body.


2.   Place Value on the Word of God

·          1 Thess. 2:13 “… received it not as the word of men”.


(a)    Word of Men

= someone’s opinion, ideas – may be true or not, information.

= opinion only and having no real authority.

= I can take it or leave it – useful information.

(b)    Word of God

= Source is Almighty God Himself.

= comes with power to create.

= comes with power to overcome.

= comes with power to transform me.


·         Ps 119:105 “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path”.

·         Ps 119:89 “Forever Oh Lord your Word is settled in heaven”.

·         Jer. 23:29 “Is not my Word like a fire says the Lord, and like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces”.

·         Heb. 4:12 “For the Word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, of joints and marrow, and it is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart”.

·         Living =NT2198= Zao = alive with the life of God.

·         Powerful =NT1756= Energeo = to energize, to rouse into activity.

·         Sharp =NT3091= to cut in a single blow instead of hacking repeatedly.

·         Piercing =NT1331= to penetrate right through.

·         Discerning =NT380= to distinguish the core motivations.


3.   Believe the Word of God


(a)  1 Thess 2:13 “received” …”believe”

·         How you receiverespond to the Word of God is important.

·         Receive =NT3880= to receive near as a friend, become intimate with.

·         To take hold of for yourself and make your own = incorporate into your life.

·         Believe =NT4100= to place confidence and trust in and act upon.


(i)      Western Thinking:         Believe = to agree with = I know that!

James 2:9 Demons believe and tremble! But not saved!

(ii)     Hebrew Thinking:          Believe = to incorporate into life and act upon.

Obedience = from heart that is convinced.

(b)  Example of Israel

·           Heb. 4:2 “…the Word which they heard did not profit them; not being mixed with faith in them that heard it”.

·           Mixed =NT4781= to combine, assimilate, blend together.

·           Numbers 14:2 Unbelief = Disobedience (Failure to put into action) (Heb.3:19)

Evidences                        Self-pity = “Wept”

                             Complaining = “murmured”

                             Blaming = “murmured against Moses”

                             Drew Back = “stopped pressing forward in obedience

·         Num.14:9 Active faith speaks and acts boldly and receives God’s power.


4.   Build the Word of God in Your Life

·         Not enough just to read and hear – must be joined to the Word by faith.

·         So often people read Bible like a book and quickly forget – no impact.


(a)  Listen to the Word of God (Rom.10:7)

·         CD’s

·         Pray the Word aloud and listen to the words you speak.


(b)  Read Word with Expectation (1 Thess. 2:13)

·         Ask the Holy Spirit to speak to you.

·         Read without distractions.

·         Notice words, phrases, sentences that stand out to you.

·         Focus on that and pray and reflect on it – ask the Holy Spirit to speak.


(c)   Meditate on the Word (Ps. 39:3)

·         Ponder on the Word – picture it in your imagination.

·         Embrace it as truth – imagine it at work in your life.

·         Determine to respond to what God says.


(d) Speak forth the Word (Heb.10:23)

·           Declaring the Word of God shapes the Spirit World and impacts your spirit.

·           Wrap heart around the word and speak it forth meaningfully.

·           Speak it forth – not just think about it.

(e) Apply the Word of God

·           James 2:22-25 – Put the Word into actions!