God Loves Rich Men Too

1.     Introduction

·         Jesus was raised in business environment – fully acquainted with business.

·         Jesus ran His own business – carpentry and understood what it takes to succeed.

·         Common misconception:
- God despises rich people
- Christians can’t handle success, money

·         Bias among Christians against wealth, rich people.

Missions – Uganda OK,  Hawaii  No! Flaxmere OK, Beverly Hills No!
Ex business people – Christians avoid and focus on poor and needy; intimidated.


i)Bible warns about misuse of wealth/money: 1 Timothy 6:17-19

ii)Bible clear that God loves the world: John 3:16  “God so loved the world that who so ever …”

·         Jesus equally loved and ministered to poor and to rich.

2.     Prejudice against rich people

Luke 18-19 Jesus at Jericho ministered to both poor and rich

a)      Blind Bartimaeus  (Luke 18:35)

·         Bartimaeus = beggar, poor – neediest man in town.

·         People rejoiced and celebrated when he was healed/blessed (Luke 18:43).

·         People celebrated when his need was met.

b)      Zacchaeus  (Luke 19:2)

·         Zacchaeus = wealthiest man in town.

·         Business man who prospered.

·         People angry, reacted to Jesus’ acceptance and blessing Him (Luke 19:7).

·         People found it easy to believe poor deserved miracle, God’s help.

·         People openly despised rich man – called him sinner – Jesus never did.

·         People found easier to believe rich man is greater sinner, less deserving.

c)       NZ Attitude to Rich

·         “Poor are most deserving”.

·         Roots of envy, bitterness, tall poppy syndrome, ‘all equal’.

·         Person who prospers is considered “corrupt, less deserving”.

·         Luke 19:9-10 This man (Zaccheaus) also (as well as Bartimaeus).

·         Both in equal need of salvation

·         Jesus confronted a clear prejudice against rich, successful people.

·         Confronted mindset; God wants to help poor not rich.

·         Mindset:  Poor people more deserving – rich can take care of self.

·         Note:  Jesus came to seek both!!  Poor and rich alike need salvation.

·         Jesus seeks Bill Gates as well as poor widow!

3.     God’s plan for rich people

Luke 19:11: Jesus added and spoke a parable

·         ·To address crowds prejudice against rich.

·         ·To make clear – Kingdom manifests progressively in all cities through world.

Luke 19:12: Parable of nobleman going to a far country to receive kingdom and return

·         ·Jesus = nobleman who entrusted money/resources to His servants.

·         ·Citizens rejected and rebelled against him – hostile to the king and kingdom.

·         ·His servants prospered in business in spite of hostile environment.

·         ·His servants rewarded by authority over cities on his return directly on basis of return on investment.

Note:  Key issues that Jesus raises

i)                    Servants loyal to Jesus need to enter market place and use whatever He has given them to gain authority in spite of hostile opposition.

ii)                   King’s servants prospered because work place given them was essentially good.

iii)                 King disappointed in servant who failed to invest or even have savings account.

iv)                 Kings approval on basis of servants willingness to use capital entrusted to him in spite of opposition.

v)                  Kings reward was authority over cities as result of business’ success on his behalf – proper use of wealth.

4.     Example of Zaccheaus

Luke 19:8-9: Impact of his actions overlooked
i) Gave to the poor generously
ii) Restitution generously where any financial injustice done

·         Consider impact in nation if people did this!

·         Zaccheaus’ wealth came under power and authority of Jesus Christ.

·         Wealth was used to advance the Kingdom of God.

·         Note:  Zaccheaus would have been one of first to receive.

·         Zaccheaus understood wealth entrusted for purpose – extend kingdom of God and cause of Christ – bless people.

·         c.f.  New Testament Church – Acts 4:34-35.

5.     Don’t fail the wealth test

Luke 18:22-23: Rich young ruler

·         Young man owned much property (Mark 10:22) and was very rich (Luke18:23).

·         Jesus felt love and compassion for him (Mark 10:21).

·         Key issue = man’s life was controlled by money.

·         Why Jesus tell him to sell and give to poor?

·         Because wealth evil and poverty good?

·         Because willing to trust God as source and replenishes of wealth as means to bless people.

·         Note:  Young man viewed wealth as means to prop up insecurity and establish identity rather than as means to benefit the poor.