Evidence of Your Discipleship

16 December 2012


1. Introduction

·         Jesus calls each of us to follow Him.

·         Mk.1:17-18 “Follow Me and I will make you become fishers of Men”.

·         How could we know we are followers of Christ? His disciples?


2. Love: The Evidence of Our Discipleship

            Jn.13:34-35 “By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”

·         Jesus identifies clearly the evidence that we are followers of Christ.

·         Note:   Not anointing or authority                    Not Bible Study or prayer

Not position or title                              Not spiritual revelations or experiences

Not healings or miracles                     Not visions, dreams, angels

Not blessing or prosperity

·         The Evidence: How we relate to and treat “one another

·         Love flows from humility of heart and is seen in practical acts of serving and kindness.

·         “One Another” = fellow Christians – members of the same church body, wider church.

·         Acts 9:4-5 Saul, Saul – why are you persecuting ‘Me’

Jesus identifies closely with His people – Do to them = do to Me!


3. Love is Practical – Love washes Feet


(a) Key Passage: Jn. 13:1-17 “He poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples’ feet.”


(b) Love focuses on Serving not Position and Title

            Jn 13:1-5 “He laid aside His garments, took a towel and girded himself.

·         All the roads were dry and dirty where people walked.

·         Feet were usually the dirtiest part of a person’s body.

·         Foot washing was the lowest job in the household – kneeling to wash feet.

·         Either water was offered and people washed self or a Gentile servant did the job.

·         Jesus had revealed his anointing and authority – impressive miracles and power.

·         Now he demonstrates the character and nature behind the power and authority.

·         He again exposes the pride, positional thinking of His followers.

·         He gave up heaven to come to earth – soon he will give up His ministry.

·         vs1 He loved them till the end – Love washes feet!


(c) Love is Not Selective in Foot Washing

            Jn.13:2,11 “He knew who would betray Him!”      Also vs 25-26

·         Position minded people are very selective in serving.

-       Can you get me ahead?               - Do you have influence I want?

-       Can you benefit me personally?   - Can I use this serving to impress you?

·         Judas betrayal caused personal turmoil for Jesus vs21

·         Can you serve a person         - who harbours evil in their heart?

- who cannot be trusted with money or friendship?

- who is in communication with your enemies?

·         Jesus washed Judas feet; Jesus dipped bread and gave it to him.

·         Jesus washed the dirt off Judas feet and demonstrated friendship toward him.

·         Love is Not Selective and partial – Love is a decision to serve the undeserving.


(d) Loving Service uncovers Pride

            Jn 13:6-10 “Lord are you washing my feet? – “You shall never wash my feet!”

·         Jesus knelt at Peter’s feet, exposed the dirt and began to wash his feet.

·         Peter reacted and resisted Jesus serving him.

(i) Peter’s leadership paradigm shattered – Jesus the leader stooped to the lowest job.

(ii) He was unwilling to submit and receive – “You shall never wash my feet”.

·         Jesus held his ground and refused to back down on foot washing.

·         Pride wants recognition, position, wants to look good before men.

·         Pride resists uncovering its dirty feet and receiving from another.


(e) Love is revealed by Foot Washing

·         Love gets involved in the dirt in people’s lives and generously serves.

·         Jesus revealed the nature of His Kingdom and its requirements.


(i) Will you let Jesus Wash Your Feet?

            v8 “If I do not wash you – you have no part with me!”

·         Not literal “foot washing”

·         Will you let Jesus have access to the “dirt” in your life?

·         Dirt – anything foul, filthy – mud, grime, dust, excrement.

·         Dirt – grief’s, disappointments, hurts, offenses, attitudes, defiling words, bitterness and hardness of people, sexual uncleanness.

NB Will you open your life daily to expose to the Holy Spirit – repentance, confess

NB Will you open your life to Jesus in his people washing your feet?

-       Speak into your life, correct, confront, hold you accountable.


(ii) Will You Wash the Feet of One Another?

                        Jn. 13:14-17 “You also ought to wash one another’s feet, for I have given you an example…”

·         “I am Lord, I have washed feet – are you greater than Me? Paraphrased

·         ‘Foot washing’ is part of being a servant, part of being sent.”

·         How are you serving? How are you serving our local church?

·         Are you selective? Serving only if it is “deserved” or an advantage personally?

·         Have you “moved on from serving” and become self-important?

·         Are you involved with the dirt in others’ lives – washing their feet through words and acts of kindness, speaking the truth?


Are You a Footwasher?