First Principles: Eternal Judgement

10 April 2011


1. Introduction


(i) Principle of Sowing and Reaping – Gal.6:7-9

(ii) God brings discipline to our life – Heb.:2:5-11

(iii) God’s direct intervention in History e.g.

            Sodom and Gomorrah


            Anananas and Sophirra

-       Heb:9:27 It is appointed for men to die once and after this the judgement.

-       Eph.2:10 created in Christ unto good works.


2. Accountability for our Actions is Foundational to the Kingdom of God


(i) All of us shall give account of our Lives

            Rom.14:10 “We shall all stand before the judgement seat of Christ … each of us shall

give account of himself to God”.


(ii) What will be judged in our works

2 Cor.5:9-10 “We must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ that each one may receive the things done in the body according to what he has done whether good or bad”.


(iii) The Purpose of this Judgement is Reward

            2 Cor 5:10 “…each one may receive the things done”

-       Jn3:18 “He that believe in my …not condemned”

-       Jn 5:24 “He that hears and believes – shall not come into judgement”


(iv) Believers will be Rewarded or Suffer Loss

            1 Cor.3:8 Each one will receive his own reward according to his own labour”


(v) Eternal Judgement is a Key Foundation

-       Centre our life on eternal values.

-       Be productive and fruitful in serving Christ

-       Remember our life on earth is a preparation for eternity.

-       Continue to grow in our relationship with Christ.

-       Love people in every situation.


3. How Will we be Judged?


There are several principles that God will use to evaluate our lives. Jesus message was about the Kingdom of God and entering that Kingdom.


(i) Quality – What sort of work?

1 Cor.3:9-15 “…test each ones work, what sort it is”

- What was the motivation behind actions                  - Motives

- Did we listen to and obey the Word of God             - Obedience

- Were they done in our own strength and ability       - Power


(ii) Potential – did we fulfil our potential?

            Mt.25:14-30 Parable of the talents – 1 talent – 15 years wages


(iii) Productivity – what quantity did we produce?

            Lk.19:11-27 Parable of the Pounds – 3x months wages

= Shade, shadow

-       Mt.22:11-14 Wedding Feast

-       Mt.25:1-13 Parable of Virgins – 5 wise entered supper.




(iv) Opportunity – How much opportunity did you have?

            Mt.20-1-16 Labourers in the vineyard.


4. The Great White Throne Judgement


            Rev.20:11-15 “They were judged, each one according to works”

-       emotions, thoughts, motives, all displayed.

-       The impact or ripple effect of your actions on others.


Book of Life – those who have received Christ.

-       Not in book = eternal punishment


Books – your personal life story in detail.

-       every sin repented of is blotted out, erased.

-       Every aspect of a believers life is judged.


Kingdom – Levels of reward and levels of punishment.

Ps.139:23 “Search me oh God and know my heart today”

Titus 3:8-14.