Principles: The Doctrine of Baptisms
6 March 2011
1. Introduction
Heb. 6:1-3 “Let us
go on to perfection, not laying again the foundations …”
- The foundation
of any building is unseen, but it determines the size and capacity of the
- Our life and
relationship with God must also have solid foundations for us to grow and
- In order to grow
and ‘go on’ there are two conditions (i) Hope foundations (ii) Permission
of God.
- Heb. 6:1-3 Lists
foundations essential to build our relationship and life with God.
Repentance from dead works - turn away from activities that have not the
life or
love of God.
(ii) Faith
towards God - trust in the word and character of God, expressed in words
and obedience.
2. Doctrine of
- The Doctrine of
baptisms forms the next part of the foundation.
- Doctrine = NT1322
= teaching or instruction (about the meaning of baptisms)
- Western
thinking “doctrine” is about knowledge or information.
- Hebrew thinking
“doctrine” is about teaching that is lived out experientially (Act 1:1)
- Baptisms =
NT909 = Baptismos Greek It is a Greek word written in English and not
- Mk 14:20
“…it is one of the 12 who dips with me in the dish” Dip = bapto =
to immerse.
- Lk 16:24
“..send Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water …”
Dip = bapto = to immerse.
- Baptize = to dip
or totally immerse one object into something.
- Bapt = NT9:11 =
to overwhelm, cover wholly with a fluid, to stain with a dye.
- Baptism is the
immersion of one thing into another so that it becomes changed.
- Baptism is
meant to impart to you a foundation of change.
3. Different
Baptisms (4x)
- Baptisms – is
plural, there is more than one baptism – each one is to bring change.
Baptism by Holy Spirit into Christ
1 Cor
“For by one Spirit we were all baptised into one Body…”
- The Holy Spirit
brings about a change in identity and destiny when we receive Jesus
- We become joined
to Jesus Christ and become part of a Body of people representing Him.
(ii) Baptism
in Water
“…as many of us were baptised into Christ Jesus were baptised into his
- Water Baptism is
a declaration of our change in identity to spiritual powers.
The old life of Adam no longer rules, we are no longer a sinner but have
died to that old life and been replaced by a new person joined to Jesus
(iii) Baptism
in Holy Ghost
Lk. 3:16 “…He will
baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire.”
- Baptism in the
Holy Ghost is a change from being powerless to being powerful.
It is an entrance experience into a realm of supernatural living and
(iv) Baptism
in Fire
Lk. 3:16 “…He will
baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire.”
- Baptism in fire
is an experience that changes our soul so we let go control and
learn how to flow with the leading and directing of the Holy Spirit.
4. Baptized into
- To be baptized
into Christ means to have a change in identity and destiny.
- It means the
following becomes a spiritual reality.
(i) The
Spirit of Christ Himself is imparted into you. (Jn 20:21)
(ii) You
become ‘joined’, one spirit with Jesus Christ (1 Cor 6:17)
(iii) You
become a new creation, no longer a sinner but a child of God
(iv) You
are placed by the Spirit of God into a Body of People
(1Cor 12:13-18,27)
of living your life independent, alone, your own way, you are connected to
Jesus Christ and placed in a Body of People with a destiny to fulfil.
has made you in a unique way so He can live His life through you and extend His
Kingdom through you in a unique way.
Embracing and living
out these truths lays a foundation for growth.
Embracing this truth
you become connected to a local church or expression of Body of Christ.
5. Baptism in
(1) The example of
“Jesus came from Galilee to John and the Jordan to be baptised by him”
- John’s baptism
was a baptism of repentance into remission of sins (Mk.1:4)
- John made 2x requirements
(i) Repentance (ii) Confession of sins (Mk1:3-5)
- Jesus had
committed no sins. He was baptized to “fulfil all righteousness” i.e. He
established an example and pattern for all believers to follow.
(2) The Conditions
for Water Baptism
- There are two
conditions to be met before people are baptized in water.
Repent Act. 2:37-38 Repent and let everyone of you be baptized in the
of Jesus Christ.
Believe Mk 16:15-16 He who believes and is baptized shall be
- Water Baptism is
built upon the foundation of repenting and believing.
- Water Baptism is
the public response to an inner change (Act. 8:12/35-39)
(3) The Spiritual
Significance of Water Baptism
- Baptism is the
immersion of one thing into another so that it is changed.
- Baptism is meant
to result in change – not just something you do – go into
- Baptism is meant
to impart to you a foundation of change:
(i) The old
corrupt sinful nature has been crucified and is dead
(Rom. 6:6)
(ii) You
have died with Christ when He died on the
(iii) You
are freed from the power of
(iv) Sin
has no more dominion over your life (old you is dead) (Rom.
(v) The resurrection
power of the Holy Spirit is within you giving you
(Rom. 8:10)
(vi) You are stating
and declaring by water baptism that reality to spiritual
Life under power of sin is dead and buried (Col.2:12)
resurrection life of power and victory has begun.
and living these truths lays a foundation for growth.
these truths – you refuse condemnation and embrace grace and life
of God.