Kings Dream – Part 3

“Let the Kings Arise”

14 November 2010


  1. Introduction:

·      1 Pet 2:9

“You are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood …”

·      We must know and agree with what God says we are – that is our Identity

·      Chosen generation – selected by God to carry His DNA, to be His family

·      Royal Priesthood – access into the very throne of God, royal kingly, regal

·      Kings don’t beg, don’t think as a victim – powerless, blaming others

·      Kings decree, legislate, make commands

·      Kings discover and declare the will and purpose of God and advance the Kingdom

·      Rev 19:16

 “He is king of Kings and Lord of Lords”

·      Jesus is raising a generation of King’s and Lords to advance His Kingdom

·      Mark 4:35-41  Kings in Training


  1. Kings receive Prophetic Direction:

i)      Even had come” Mark 4:35

·         Even = beginning of a new day, Days began in the evening

·         New day = new opportunities, new challenges, new experiences

·         God is always doing new things, fresh things

·         Kings don’t live in yesterday’s experiences, they look forward to a new day

·         New day = Require new direction, new revelation


ii)    He said to them” Mark 4:35

·         Don’t live in past experiences, yesterday’s revelation

·         Position yourself to hear from God daily

·         Eg Mary,  Jesus who rose early,  Moses

·         Mark 4:34  While they were alone He explained all things to His disciples

·         Jesus was raising Kings – he took them aside to give them revelation and direction

·         ‘Alone’ = you must build and prioritize time with God


3.      Kings Dream of Enlarging their Territory:

·      Mark 4:35  “Let us cross over to the other side”

a)     ‘Cross over’ = to travel through, to journey through, to go to a new place

Ø  You must be willing to move forward, enlarge, advance from current position

Ø  Migrate = journey to a place of new opportunity

Ø  There are challenges and obstacles to be faced

b)     ‘Other side’ = the territory beyond the place they were standing

Ø  The country of the Gaderenes

Ø  New territory: new areas to invade and advance the kingdom

Ø  New experiences to have

Ø  Could be your personal life, finances, marriage, family, ministry

Ø  God calls every generation out of security to advance the kingdom

Ø  There are new territories to enter: Media, Education, Government, Arts

What dream do you have of future enlargement, advance?

Kings know their assignment


4.      Kings Advance to New Territory:

·      “They left the multitude and took him along in a boat” Mark 4:36

·      “left” = 863 = to forgive, to send away, choose to let go so they can advance

a)     Left the Multitude (People)

Ø  Kings don’t get led by the crowd or multitude

Ø  Kings have vision and direction and courage

Ø  Crowd lacks vision, pressure you to conform, do what they ask

Ø  Kings hear God and have vision of their new territory

Ø  Faith life is a journey of hearing God and moving forward

Ø  It takes courage to be different


b)     Left the State (Place of Security

Ø  No great adventures unless you cast off from shore

Ø  Boat journeys are filled with uncertainty – cast off, let go

Ø  What is holding you back? What are you changing to?

Ø  Jesus was in the boat

Ø  The faith journey seems lonely but – you are not alone as Jesus is with you, you are not alone as others are taking the same journey, your faith stirs others


5.      Kings have a Spiritual perspective:

·      Mark 4:37

·      A great storm arose and the waves beat in the boat

a)     There is always demonic opposition to advancing the Kingdom

Ø  1) Storm                 2) Demonic man Mark 5:2

Ø  Storm = whirlwind, rotating column of air with great turbulence

Ø  The demonic the demonic storm whipped up the sea into a turmoil

Ø  Every assignment of God has demonic opposition

Ø  Demonic opposition = circumstances or people

Ø  New assignments mean new challenges


b)     Focus on the Assignment not Circumstances  2 Cor 4:16-18

Ø  Mark 4:38  The disciples lost their spiritual perspective

Ø  Fear of death,  accuse and blame

Ø  Faith quenched

Ø  Focused on saving self and not the assignment

Ø  Think like a victim not like a king

Ø  They missed the opportunity for growth


6.      Kings make Decrees and Assert Dominion:

Mark 4:39

“He arose and rebuked the wind and said to the sea ….”

·      Do you arise in your spirit like a King for battle? Or cringe like a victim?

·      ‘Said’ – 2036NT = to command, to legislate, to decree

·      Kings make decrees, they assert their authority over their territory

·      Whatever your assignment, territory …you must learn to address the demonic

·      Mark 11:23  Have the faith of God … speak to … not doubt in your heart

·      Jesus rebuked the wind and sea and the disciples

·      God requires us to walk by faith not by experiences alone

·      Jesus expected them to interact with the circumstances as Kings