Wilderness Wisdom Part 4

30 May 10


  1. Introduction:

2 Cor 10:3-4

“The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God …”

·         Every believer is engaged is a spiritual conflict against spiritual powers

·         The battleground for the warfare is the soul – through life, emotions and choices

·         The issue at stake is knowing God and fulfilling the call and destiny of God

·         God is for us – our weapons are mighty through God – powerful, capable, and supernatural!

·         Today we look at Israel’s first battle – recorded for us to learn from 2 Cor 10:11


  1. Israel’s First Battle:

(a)  Key passage: Ex 17:8-16

(b)  Who is Amalek?


i)        Origin of Amalek

Gen 36:10-12  Amalek was a descendent of Esau

Esau did not value his spiritual inheritance – no value upon the blessings of God

Esau focused on meeting his present needs rather that spiritual inheritance

Esau traded the inheritance, right of firstborn for a meal Heb 12:16

Esau is being described of being profane = accessible, able to get foothold in him Ep 4:27

Esau hated his brother Jacob because of the blessing Gen 12:41-42


ii)       Name and Meaning of Amalek

Amelek = 6002 = to dwell in a valley

                           = Root = to toil = to remove spirit life

                           = > loss of Spirit life through labor, toil, weariness


iii)     Nature of Amalek

Amalek were nomads – wanderers – not planted anywhere, like Cain

No commitments, no roots, never connected, joined, became accountable

Carried a bitter hate against the people of God who walked in blessing

There was no land or territorial dispute – just hatred and desire to destroy

Note: Haman was a descendent of Esau Esther 3:6,10

           Herod was a descendent of Esau

           Both carried the same spirit of hatred for the seed of God, promise!


iv)    Strategy of Amalek

Deut 25:17-19

“.. he met you on the way and attached your rear ranks, all the stragglers at your rear when you were tired and weary”

Amalek came up from behind, unexpected, no warning, people not looking


i)        Rear ranks – ones furthest from leadership, loss of strength

-          people who lagged behind, loss of vision

-          offense, doubts, negative thinking

ii)       Tired – ones who were weak, lacked strength, vulnerable, shattered emotionally

iii)     Weary – Worn down by journey, difficulties, demands, pressure

Impact of Attack of Amalek is seen in Saul’s behaviour

1 Sam 15:1-3  Mission from God – destroy the stronghold of Amelak

Instead of destroying the Stronghold – he spared the King


v)     Traits 1 Sam 15

·         Compromise – seduced away from what God called him to do

·         Disobedient – refused to deal with issues, and didn’t obey directions of the Holy Spirit

·         Unrepentant – full of bitterness, resentment, blame shifting, refusing responsibility

·         Fear of man – desire to please people rather than God

·         Control – desire to look good, appear good before man

·         Loss of vision and destiny – he forfeited his kingship, right to rule

·         What has God called you to do?


3.      Strategy for Winning:

Ex 17:9-13

(i)      Right Positioning:

·         Every person was positioned according to gifting and calling

·         Positioning is important to winning in life

·         We are positioned in Christ to enforce His victory

·         We also must know how/where God has positioned us in Christ 1 Cor 12:18


(ii)    Alignment:

·         There is complete unity of purpose = one purpose, one vision

·         Every person was aligned to accomplish the one purpose

·         There is power in agreement and unity Ps 133, Matt 18:19

·         Aligned with God – with His Word – with Vision – with People


(iii)   Persistent Prayer:

·         When Moses held up the ‘Rod’ – the authority of God of Israel prevailed

·         There were demonic powers operating in the unseen spirit realm

·         When the authority of God and His Word is upheld we can always win

·         Jam 5:16  Effective, fervent prayer = Prevails!

·         Luk 18:1  Men aught always to pray and not faint


(iv) Word of God:

·         Sword = Word of God  Eph 6:17

·         We must hold onto and use the Word of God

·         The Word was framed – created and formed by God speaking

i)        Believe the Word of God Mk 9:23

ii)       Speak the Word of God Rom 4:17

iii)     Act upon the Word of God Jam 2:22

·         What issue is God calling you to face?