Make a Change

Easter 10


  1. Introduction:

·      This is a Celebration of Hope

·      The world is in constant Change – accelerating change

-          Technology

-          Muslim migration to Europe

-          Uncertainty and insecurity when everything changes

-          In spite of technology, education – we can see the nation in declining morally

-          People struggle – broken relationships, fear, loneliness, no hope

-          Jesus came to innovate Change


  1. Message of Jesus: Change – Greater Things:

Matt 4:17  Repent – Kingdom of Heaven is at hand

·         Repent – Change; change thinking, attitudes, values, priorities

-          Align with the Kingdom of God – Greater Things

-          A Kingdom that cannot be shaken

·         ‘Simon, Simon’ – expression of love, concern, warning of change

·         Warned of danger of self-confidence, trusting in self

·         Reality of the unseen Spirit World

·         Satan – adversary, accusers

·         Failure:

1)      God not surprised by it – he did not accuse, judge, punish. He  paid the price of failure and extended love and forgiveness

2)      God does not change in His love when we fail

3)      God has include provision for failure = Cross

4)      God calls us to believe and to change

i)        Personal Change – ‘converted’

ii)      Change your world – ‘Strengthen the brethren’

·      Jn 14:12

“He that belief in Me, will do what I did. In fact he will even do Greater Things”