Burnt Stones – part 3

15 August 10


  1. Introduction:

Neh 2:17-18

“Let us arise and build”

·         Nehemiah = “Comfort of God” = Holy Spirit

·         The Holy Spirit stirs the people of God with vision of a city rebuilt

·         The Holy Spirit calls them to arise and build – become the answer to the problem

·         Holy Spirit issues the same challenge to the church in every generation

·         “Arise and Build!”  Restore the beautiful stones; position and build them into the wall of destiny


  1. Every Believer is A Builder

‘Son’ = OT1121 = ‘Ben’ = to build, rebuild, establish, build the family name

Every believer is born into the family of God and called to build the house Is 6:4 Purpose of Anointing

a)  Build your Personal Life:

·         1 Cor 3:9  “You are God’s building (architecture)”

·         Jude 20  “Building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying”

·         You are responsible to build, establish your life in God

·         Build your faith, your character, your capacity, your skill level

·         This takes commitment, perseverance, courage, a plan


b)  Build the House of God:

·         1 Cor 14:12  “…you are zealous for spiritual gifts, let it be for the edification of the church that you seek to excel”

·         Every believer is given spiritual gifts to build the people of God

·         Eph 4:15-16  “ Relationships are the channel for gifts to flow and build”

·         Neh 4:6  “So we built the wall for the people had a mind to work”


3.      All Spiritual Building faces opposition, Problems – Expect it!:

·         Neh 4:1  “When Sanballot heard we are rebuilding the wall he was furious”

·         Neh 4:8  “All of them conspired to come and attack Jerusalem and create confusion”

·         Spiritual powers seek to attack and create confusion and discouragement

·         Opposition was external (enemies) and internal (within and among themselves)


a)     Fatigue

·         Verse 10  The strength of the laborers is failing, (stumble, totter, be feeble or weakening)

·         It is very easy to start a project – hard to finish

·         They were half way through the project

·         The personal cost was higher than expected and every one was fatigued

·         Fatigue and loss of strength can lead to discouragement

·         Conflict, setbacks, difficulties, spiritual pressure, long hours without adequate rest can lead to discouragement




b)     Frustration

·         Verse 10  “There is so much rubbish”

·         There was so much garbage, broken rocks, debris that they felt overwhelmed

·         They lost focus – lost sight of what they were building, the big picture

·         Easy to become discouraged and lose focus as you see so much rubbish

·         Must continually look ahead – in marriage, family, finances or it can be overwhelmed by the negatives, destruction of the past

·         Ezra 4:4-5  They had councilors against them to frustrate their purpose

·         Frustration:  Leads to resentment, anger, stress, anxiety, discouragement

·         The pressure of the needs can bring immense frustration – reaction

·         This eroded their confidence “We are not able”  Num 13:30-31


c)     Fear

·         Verse 11  ‘Our adversaries said”

·         Here is always someone opposed to what God wants to do

·         What voices are you listening to? Impact, atmosphere, fear or faith

·         Evil spirits will oppose – despise, belittle and attack

·         Verse 12  “The Jews who dwelt near them told us 10 times”

·         There are Christians living under demonic influence, unresolved issues

·         People constantly spoke negatively, critically, cynically

·         “They”; “Lots of people say” – gossip fear

·         Who is influencing your life? Encouraging or faultfinding?

·         These were attempts to fill with fear and intimidate those working


4.      Overcoming Discouragement:

i)  Don’t react    ii) Think solutions   iii) Ask questions   iv) Take responsibility, initiative

·         Nehemiah was proactive in restoring courage and faith and hope

·         Rom 15:13  “Now, the God of all hope fill you with joy, peace and believing …”


                     i.            Recognize and Reconnect

·         Verse 13  “Therefore I position men … I settle people …”

·         He changed his approach to meet the challenge and did not quit and run

·         He connected people in family groups with people who love and care

·         We need to be connected to people who care for us and stand with us = comfort and encourage


                   ii.            Restore Focus

·         Verse 14 “Remember the Lord’

·         Where you focus affects your confidence and courage. Focus on the Source

·         He focused on the Source of their assignment – returned focus on the Lord

·         Joshua, David, Psalm 77 ; Is 40:29

·         Jesus declared – “I will build my church and the gates of hell shall nor prevail”

·         Heb 12:2-3  “Looking to Jesus, hope set before him, endured…”


                  iii.            Return to the Work

·         Verse 15  All of us returned to the wall.  Verse 18 “Everyone of the builders had a sword girded at his side as he built”