Anointed for War

11 January 2008


1.      Introduction:

·   The trumpet of advance calls the church to move ahead.

·   Trumpets – silver – when they blew them it is like a trumpet speaking = advance. Tents to be packed up and move forward.

·   Numbers 10:5-9  -  “sound an alarm with trumpets”.

·   O.T. natural battles are pictures of the invisible warfare against spirit powers.

·   Verse 5  -   ‘Sound the advance’ – God calls His people to advance in His purposes.

·   God has new things for us, individually, corporately, as a nation. We need to stand up and be willing to change and listen to His voice.

·   Verse 9  -  ‘Sound the alarm’ – to advance without spiritual conflict.

·   Alarm = 7321 = to split the ears, shout aloud for joy, make a triumphant sound.

·   Remembered = 2142 = to call to mind the covenant relationships with God.

·   Saved = God release angelic powers to assist and ensure victory over enemies.

·   Passivity = unresponsive, yielding without opposition or resistance. You cannot be passive and please God or win victories.

·   Militant = vigorously active or engaged in warfare in advancing a cause. Those who possess the promises of God have a militant attitude – Matthew 11:12. Faith that pleases God is militant.

·   2 Corinthians 10:3-4  -  “Our warfare is not against people – it is against invisible spirit beings”. Only by the anointing and the power of the Holy Ghost can we win spiritual battles.

·   God had in mind that victory would be theirs. Trumpet – God meets their need, they see God move.

·   Arise and bring forth an atmosphere of God. Change your life.

·   Blow and shout the alarm for God to move and come.


2.      God is Raising up a New Generation: 

·   1 Kings 19:15-18  -  Anoint Jehu, the son of Nimshu King over Israel.

·   God ask: ‘what are you doing here? You are My representative, come out of the cave’. If you want to change, do something different this year. The land forsakes God and God knew of 7000 that will change society.

·   No matter how dark the conditions naturally God is in control.

·   Israel was oppressed by witchcrafts, idolatry, sexual sin, corruption.

·   God always has a people faithful to Him who He uses to change nations.

·   Now – the world had a huge shake, e.g. tsunami and 2008 economy.

·   God uses unsaved people to accomplish something. God still work through hem, there is no surprises to God.

·   God rises up difficulties to challenge us to seek His face again. Push into the presence of God.

·   This year 2009: fresh flow of the anointing, fresh move, fresh hearing – we need to be positioned for this.

·   Gods strategy: 1) Rearrange the issues facing the nation – verse 5

                                   Hazael – God sees or watches over this.

2)      Release Prophetic Anointing – Revelation, verse 15

3)      Anointing Kings for war, battle, rebuild – verse 16

·   Every believer is called to flow in the anointing of the Holy Spirit.

·   Every believer is born into a royal family as kings.

·   We need to think and to act as members of a royal family.

·   We are called to do works of Jesus – destroy the works of the devil.

·   We need fresh anointing and empowerment for the new year.

·   Step up, be anointed as a king. Kings want to rule, step up, make a difference, to change. Don’t complain – we are anointed to step up in the community, society and to change things.

·   We are called to oppose the world of darkness. What are you going to do about it? In Jesus ‘ name we will do great things, step up!

·   Step through passivity and indifference.


3.      Keys to Receiving Fresh Anointing:

·   Anointing is the presence and activity of the Holy Spirit upon our lives.

·   2 Kings 9:1-3  -  “Make him rise up from his associates – take him to an inner room”.


a)     Rise up from the Crowd:

·   Must make a choice – decision to arise out of passivity.

·   We choose what we yield to – it masters us.

·   Arise inside – respond to the stirring of the Holy Spirit – new faith/expectations.


b)     Pursue Intimacy with the Giver – verse 2:

·   Inner room = place of prayer and intimacies.

·   Mark 1:35  -  Jesus rose early – went to a solitary place – prayed.

·   Matthew 6:6  -  Enter your room – shut the door – pray in secret.

·   Pursue the Giver not the giftings – pursue intimacy.


c)  Receive fresh ‘Rhema” from the Lord – verse 3:

·   Rhema = personal 1st hand revelation from heaven.

·   Don’t live off 2nd hand revelation – get it 1st hand.

·   Note Jehu received:

i)        Identity – King, verse 3

ii)       Purpose – Strike home of Ahab, verse 8


·   When we are born again we receive the Holy Spirit to train us and grow in anointing, then when we grow in anointing we grow to advance, causes difference. The presence of God is a presence of life – new boldness, live, and act in a different way.

·   Have adventures with the Holy Spirit this year, new things – word of knowledge, minister, do something. If God is doing something, are you counted in?

·    Stand up and don’t follow the crowd, make room for God to do something different.

·   To see things openly is to do something differently on the inside. God will restore us and empower us to do things differently  = through prayer.

·   2 things from heaven happen in the secret place:  1) anointing          2) commission

·   ‘Go, run and be a King. Become a new man!’ The power on us and the Holy Spirit in us – receive something fresh.

·   This is who you are: ‘A king to change the atmosphere where God calls us to be’. A purpose given to us. What to do, clear purpose of what God wants you to do with your life.





4.  The Apostolic Anointing is a Anointing of War:

·   Apostle = one sent on a mission to foreign territory. After the Apostolic anointing (anointing of war) = they went out picking a fight.

·   John 20:21  -  “As the Father sent Me so I send you”.

·   Luke 9:1-2  -  Jesus anointed – sent = apostello

·   The apostolic anointing empowers people to get breakthrough.

·   The apostolic anointing is a Breaker Anointing – break through resistance.

·   I am sent to bring heaven into the earth. Preach the Gospel of the Kingdom. Heal the sick, cast out demons = the churches’ mandate, our job, we were called for this Apostolic anointing.

·   People weren’t happy to see Apostles – ‘Breaker Anointing’ that shifts spiritual atmospheres that brings changes.


a)     Jehu – Jehovah is powerful, mighty, strong – 2 Kings 9:1-3:

·   Jehosaphat – Jehovah has judged.

·   Nimshu – Jehovah is the one who rescues and sets free.


b)     Jehu was anointed for war:

·   Ahab – one who provokes, passive man yielded up and never fulfilled his destiny he came under relationships that took him away from the call of God.

·   Ahab was a passive man – 1 Kings 16:30-33

·   Passivity      = idolatry

= control – Jezebel

= compromise

= ungodly relationships – Jezebel

= provoked  Holy Spirit – 1 Kings 16:33 – we don’t want to provoke God. We can grieve the Holy Spirit. God is like a husband to us. He will be provoked if we love and is being caught up in the world. God is a jealous God.

·   See the enemy behind situations and change it.


c)     The Apostolic Anointing breaks the hold of Witchcraft:

·   2 Kings 9:11-13  -  the men confused – under the influence of a ruling spirit.

·   When Jehu declared who he was -  witchcraft was broken.

·   You must stand up -  declare what God says about you.

·   Bold declarations of the Word of God – confront and destroy confusion.

·   It is time for men of God to arise with a new spirit, pray in a secret place, receive fresh empowerment, and enter the battle, sake of the things in your life e.g. compromise – Acts 4:31 – enter fresh anointing, fresh fire, fresh things God wants us to do this year.

·   “Well done!” from God

·   If you look a Jehus’ chapters there was 7 battles Jehu fought. We have 7 battles in life we fight.

·   “Well done!”: God said to him.