Our Mandate – The Nations

27 July 2008


1.      Introduction:

·   God has nations in His heart – Big Vision – Big Heart – Big Ambitions – lift you vision.

·   Matthew 28:18,19  -  “go therefore and teach all nations”  -  multitudes of people.

·   Nations = ethnos = multitude living together in similar culture, language, race. Ethnic groups, wherever they live around us.

·   Teach  = metheeteno = to make disciples, make followers of Christ, the lifestyle of Kingdom, not just to connect to them. Find a way to make them welcome, to connect to their heart.

·   Disciple = are those who embraces and follows the teachings, principles and lifestyle of another.

·   People think of the Great Commission in terms of personal evangelism, personal salvation. If not you’ll miss the call. We were made for bigger things.

·   God thinks in terms of nations, cities, communities to be transformed.

·   Nations embracing the principles and life of the Kingdom of God.

·   Christians think in terms of personal blessing reward by faith.

·   God thinks in terms of communities blessed by living faith in Christ. E.g. Genesis 12:2-3

·   Everyone is called to make a difference. Don’t be ashamed of the Gospel.


2.      God has a Global Vision – So must we!

·   Numbers 14:21  -  “all the earth shall be filled with the glory of the Lord”.

·   God’s intention for his people – to conquer the land, enhance the kingdom. God revealed His plan is Global – His glory filling the earth.

·   Glory = the nature, presence, person of God manifested tangibly.

·   Isaiah 40:5  -  “The glory of the Lord shall be revealed – all flesh shall see it”.

·   God’s heart is global – all peoples, all nations, all ethnic groups.

·   Habakkuk 2:14  -  “all the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord”.

·   God’s plan is not hidden, He wants all to see and experience it.

·   Psalm 86:9  -  “all the nations whom you have made shall come and worship before you Oh Lord”.

·   Isaiah 6:2  -  “the whole earth is full of His glory”.

-          the angels declared God’s intent – glory revealed.

-          God always does this through people – He sends someone.

-          Apostolic = sent, commissioned, assignment to break open.

-          Isaiah heard the heart of God - whom shall we send?

·   The Church Jesus is building – greatest influence outside the walls.

-          raise up and filled with the glory of the Lord.

-          The Glory will manifest and change people’s lives.

-          God will raise up people to raise nations.

·   People complained about the process and try to find a way to get at the end of the journey.

-          we are in our season of preparation, don’t loose heart, complain or give up.

-          Numbers 13  -  ‘just can’t do it’  -  Israel & Moses

·   Will you believe?  Our God is with us, we can do it, we can change a culture/community.

·   God’s heart is always nations. It is not up to the government to change a nation but to people’s personal response to Jesus Christ.


3.      Jesus was First to Manifest God’

·   John 2:11  -  The beginning of signs Jesus did … and manifested His glory.

·   When the supernatural nature and power of God is revealed – His Glory is revealed.

·   God manifest His glory through His Son Jesus.

·   Miracles, signs and wonders => demonstration of His Glory.

·   Miracles and deliverance – Why not through You? Any person with passion can do it.

·   Jesus came to announce the new era in world history.

·   John 17 – “Glory given to us’.  Wherever you go you can reach people. God will give you the keys. Ask Him, He will show you.

·   Kingdom:  1)  Personal relationship with the Father.

2)      Dominion – personal and sphere influence.

3)      Ambassador – representing natural and glory of the Father.

·   Jesus constantly confronted the limiting mindsets of the Jews.

-          Jews focus on personal salvation; Jews God’s people.

-          Neglected to recognize the call to nation.

-          Luke 4:28-30  -  When Jesus revealed the heart of God for nations they reacted.

-          God’s plan – the church called to a Great Commission.


  1. The Great Commission – A Culture Mandate:

·   Psalm 67:1-2  - ‘God be merciful to us’ => personal grace empowered.

                            ‘That many know on earth’  => Church go forth to nations.

·   The Church was began by Jesus Christ to fulfill purpose.

-          Church activities are mostly housekeeping/family stuff.

-          The Church’s’ real business is to train and release people to advance the Kingdom and change community, city and nation.

-          We advance the kingdom personally and corporately.

-          Every believer is called to advance the Kingdom.

·   Ministry = What you do to bring your personal life and metron (sphere of influence) under Kingdom rule.

·   John 17:15  -  Jesus doesn’t want us to withdraw from the world.  When believers withdraw – mission fails.

·   Luke 19:15  -  Believers were called to occupy – do business until the Lord’s return. The Lord will not come until the mandate fulfilled.

·   Disciple nations => impact culture, education, government, business.

·   Why the Holy Spirit was given to us = mission, health, media, arts, family etc.

·   Isaiah 2:2  - Last days -  Church lifted up  - all nations.


Believers must be present and engaged and must be committed to bring forth Kingdom life.