“The Cross” – Easter 2008

23 March 08


1.      Introduction:

·   Genesis 3:10  -  “I was afraid because I was naked so I hid”

·   Entrance of Sin:  Guilt; Shame; Fear; Covering, Isolation.

·   Loss of Identity – loss of intimacy – loss of authority.

·   Genesis 3:21  -  God’s provision – prophetic picture of the Love o God and the Cross.


2.      The Cross:

·   Matthew 27:27-54  -  Account of Crucifixion.

1.      Galatians 3:13-14  -  “Jesus became a curse for us…that we….”

2.      2 Corinthians 5:21  - “Jesus became a sin offering for us…that we….”

·   Heart of God for people – extravagant love for us.

·   Cross  -  Jesus carried – Isaiah 53:3-5:

·       Sin

·       Grief

·       Sorrows

·       Sickness

·       shame


3.      Great Power Released – Offering acceptable! – Colossians 2:14-15; Romans 3:25:


  1. Veil Torn:

·   Barrier of separation removed.

·   We can have access – Hebrew 4:15-16


  1. Rocks split:

·   Dominion over the earth demonstrated.

·   Earthquake – angelic activity – Matthew 28:2


  1. Graves/resurrection:

·   Consequence of sin and power broken.

·   Death – Romans 6:23

·   Fear – Hebrews 2:15


4.      Personal Response:

·   Romans 10:9  -  “Confess with your mouth that He is Lord Jesus and believe in your heart God has raised Him from the dead”  -  saved.

·   Personal response.