Taming the Tongue – Part 4

25 November 07


1.      Introduction:

·   James 3:3-8  -  The tongue directs the course of our life like a bridle or a rudder.

·   The words we speaks impacts our relationships, our personal health and destiny.

·   The words we agree with in our hearts and speak with our mouth shape our present and determine our future.

·   Words are containers – they carry a ‘spirit’ content.

Words are seeds – they are living seeds that produce fruit when spoken.

What words are you releasing into the world around.


2.      Devine Design:

-          Follower = 3402 = imitate, mimic, to speak and act like another.

-          We are called to imitate our Heavenly Father – to speak and act like Him, represent Him.

1.      Words that Create:

·   Hebrews 11:3  -  “By faith we understand the words were formed by the word of God”.

·   Framed = 2675 = to put in order, arrange, make what ought to be, completely finished.

·   The first recorded use of words = words used to create something visible.

·   Jesus did exactly this when He blessed the loaves and fish – Mark 6:41

·   He spoke creatively into them and released a creative miracle into the earth.


2.      Words that Impart Life:

·   John 6:63  -  “The words I speak to you are spirit, they are life.

·   Words are containers for what is in our spirit.

·   When words are spoken their spirit content is felt – creates and impression.

·   God uses words to nurture the spirit of people and to impart supernatural life.

·   Jesus did this when He spoke to the man with the withered hand – Mark 3:5.

·   He also did it when He spoke to discouraged disciples – Luke 4:32.


3.      Words that Release Spiritual Authority:

·   Luke 4:36  -  “What a word is this, for with authority power He commands the unclean spirits and they come out”.

·   Jesus spoke with authority – there was a weight, force behind His words.

·   Jesus words released spiritual power that demons obeyed.

·   Jesus spoke words to trees, storms, sickness, demons, dead men.

·   His words carried a spiritual substance that altered the world around Him.

·   He spoke words that He heard from His Father with faith they would work.


·   We are called to imitate God:

-          John 14:12  -  He that believes in Me – the works that I do, he will do also”.

-          Mark 1:22 -  Have the faith of God – Who ever says to this mountain “Be removed and be cast into the sea and does not doubt in his heart….”

-          God fully stands behind the words He speaks.

-          We are designed to use words to create, impart life, release Spirit Power and Authority.


3.  Don’t Speak Empty Words:

·         We have looked at:

i)  Lying Words           ii)  Gossip Words       iii)  Put Down Words

·         These release a spirit of murder and death that impacts people.

·         Matthew 12:34-37  -  “Every idle word that men speak, they will give account”.

-          Words we speak reveal who we are – “As good as his word”.

-          Words we speak are noted, recorded and have significance in the spirit world.

·         “Idle” = 692 = without work, barren, yielding no return.

-          words that we spoke but did not mean it.

-          Words that we spoke but did not intend to fulfill.

-          Words that were insincere, not genuine.

-          Empty words – without significance or substance or content.


·         Examples of ‘Empty Words’ – they release a Spirit of Death:

·         Death = distance, separation, coldness, distrust.

i)        Flattery:

·         Flattery = excessive or insincere praise.

                    = positive words spoken that conceal a hidden agenda.

·         Agenda is usually to gain favour, gain knowledge, impress, please, placate.

·         Proverbs 29:5  -  “Men who flatters their neighbour spreads a net for feet”.

ii)       Religious Words:

·         Matthew 15:8  -  Honour me with their lips but their heart is far from me”.

·         Religious words – “sound nice”, “sound plausible” but have no spirit life.

·         Saying the ‘right thing”.


iii)     Lame excuses:

·         1 Samuel 15:24,25,30 

·         Lame excuse = failure to take responsibility and empty words to cover failure.

·         Lame excuses for not coming to work, doing job, completing responsibility.


iv)    Insincere Commitments:

·         A commitment is a undertaking to fulfill some responsibility.

·         E.g.:     * Well meaning         - meant to do it but forgot

* Vague                     - commitment lacks clarity

* Punctuality             - commitment to be at place on time

* Reluctant                - commitment under pressure – please

* Insincere                 - said to please person or get these ‘of

                                      my back’.

                                    - said ‘Yes’ but really meant ‘No’.


4.  Words Impact our World:

* Establish your character

* Establish your testimony as ambassador

* Establish standing before God

·         Start small – repent of empty words – keep your word in small matters.

·         Psalm 15:1-4  -  Keep your commitments, honor your words.