Destiny Decisions

20 May 2007


1.      Introduction:

·   Ephesians 2:10  -  “We are His workmanship created in Jesus Christ unto good works which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them”.

·   Before the foundation of the world you were in God’s mind – He planned your life.

·   Your destiny is God’s destination for you and your own faith journey towards that destination.

·   Your part is to discover and live out God’s desired destiny for you.

·   Achieving your destiny involves discovering God, His purpose and fulfilling it.

·   It is a process and it is an exciting journey.

·   The surest way to miss it is to spend your life pleasing others.

·   2 Timothy 4:7  -  Example of Paul – “I have finished my course”.



2.      Destiny Decisions:

Choices you make that enable you to fulfill you God-given destiny.


         I.            Let go past hurts – Say “No” to bitterness and Negativeness:

·   Hebrews 12:15  -  “Look carefully lest anyone fall short of the grace of God, rest any rest of bitterness springing up cause trouble and by this many become defiled”

·   Two issues that will hinder you fulfilling your destiny.

a)     Unresolved hurts / trauma

b)     Wrong believes about yourself and about life.

·   Every person experiences disappointment / Grief but these do not determine destiny.

·   Unforgiveness hold you to your past and defile your present and steals your future.

·   When people are hurt they form negative beliefs and expectations.

·   Proverbs 23:7  -  “As a man thinks in his heart so he is”.

·   You must say no to bitterness, unforgiveness and negative beliefs.

·   Examples: 

a)  2 Samuel 6:16-23  -  Michal missed her destiny - BITTER

b)  2 Samuel 6:14  -  David fulfilled his destiny - FREE



             II.      Take personal responsibility – Say “No” to the Blame-game / Victim Mentality.

·   Romans 14:10-12  -  “So then each of us shall give account of himself to God’.

·   God holds us personally responsible for our thoughts, attitudes, motives, words, actions.

·   Blame:  place the responsibility upon someone else.

·    Victim mentality:  Not my fault, I am not responsible, couldn’t help it.

·   Fulfilling destiny requires we take full responsibility for our life.

·   Assuming responsibility empowers you to change, move forward.

·   1 Corinthians 3:8  -  “…each one will receive his own reward according to own labour”.

·   Examples:

a)     1 Samuel 15:20-21  -  Saul missed his destiny – blamed others.

b)     1 Samuel 24:10  -  David took responsibility – fulfilled his destiny.


            III.      Pursue Excellence  -  Say “No” to Mediocrity / Hold Heartedness.

·   Colossians 3:23  -  Whatever you do, do it heartily as to the Lord and not to men”.

·   Mediocre = barely adequate, moderate to inferior in quality.

·   Fulfilling destiny requires a commitment to passion and excellence.

·   Excel = to go beyond a limit or standard, o rise high, distinguish self.

·   Every person has a strength to cultivate.

·   Personal choice to resist “She’ll be right attitude” and to commit to excel.

·   May not be gifted but excellence is an attitude of ‘rising high’.

·   Proverbs 10:4  -  He who has a slack hand becomes poor, but a hand of diligence makes rich”.

·   Examples:

a)     Revelation 3:14-16  -  missed destiny, luke warm.

b)     Daniel 6:1-4  -  Daniel, fulfilled destiny – excellent spirit.


         IV.      Develop Character  -  Say “No” to compromise.

·   Romans 8:29  -  “…He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son..”

·   Character is the collection of tracks that form the type of person you are.

·   Your gift can open doors for you but only character keeps you there.

·   Character =>  What you are and behave like when no one is looking.

·   E.G.  Honesty, Integrity, Purity, Faithfulness, Determination, Courage.

·   Character is built daily in small decisions no one sees.

·   Examples:

a)     2 Kings 5:20-27  -  Gehazi – missed his destiny – greed

b)     Daniel 3:17-18  -  Daniel’s friend fulfilled destiny – courage.


           V.      Pursue vital Relationships  -  Say “No” to isolation / independence.

·   Proverbs 13:20  -  “He who walks with wise men will be wise, companion of fools will be destroyed”.

·   Those closest to you determine the direction and outcome of your life.

·   One most important aspect s in defining future is the relationships you embrace.

·   Every relationship is taking you somewhere.

·   God links you with people to assist you fulfill your purpose.

·   Pursue vital relationships that stir, bring out the best e.g. mentors.


·   Examples: 

a)     2 Timothy 4:10  -  Demas - missed his destiny – abandoned his mentor.

b)     1 King 19:19-21  -  Elisha – fulfilled his destiny – pursued his mentor.


         VI.      Develop a Plan Say “No” to drifting.

·   Proverbs 29:17  - “Where there is no revelation the people cast of restraint”.

·   Without vision you have no clear direction and miss vital opportunities.

·   Destiny must be translated into goals that give steps to work on.

·   Most important commodity in life is TIME – goals from your time and energy.

·   Proverbs 21:5  -  “Plans of diligent lead surely to plenty”.

·   Examples:

a)     Proverbs 22:3  -  Simple man misses destiny – fails to plan ahead.

b)     1 Corinthians 4:17  -  Paul fulfilled destiny – had planning.


        VII.      Cultivate Intimacy with God – say “No” to Religion:

·   Proverbs 3:5-6  -  “Trust in the Lord with all your heart…He will direct your path”.

·   A Key to intimacy is trust – becoming vulnerable and open heart to obey.

·   Develop lifestyle of prayer and Word of God to be open to the Holy Spirit’s leadings and directions.

·   Example:

a)     Matthew 23:13  -  Pharisees

b)     Acts 13:36  -  David – fulfilled destiny.