The Christmas Message                                                                 24/12/06


1.      Introduction:

·         Christmas = The celebration of Christ – The Anointed one of God.

·         Christmas – Christian substitute for pagan festival held on December 25 – to celebrate the unconquered sun.

·         Christmas – Time of family; celebration; giving; holding secular.

·         Christmas – Time of supernatural visitation – Heave came to earth.

                        - God came to earth to dwell in a person Jesus Christ.

·         Matthew 1:23  -  “They shall call His name Emmanuel – God with us”


2.      The Massage of Christmas:

·         Luke 2:10  -  “… this shall be a sign to unto you..”

·         Sign = Point to something that needs to be noticed, acted upon.

·         “Baby in Manger” – Manger = feeding trough for cattle, animals.

·         God entering the world clothed with humility – characteristic of Kingdom.


i)        Massage of Hope and Joy:

·         Luke 2:10  -  “…I will bring you good things of great joy..”

·         Good things = 2097 = evanggelizo  = to announce good news.

·         This is the fulfillment of a promise made by God.

·         God never abandoned man when man sinned – God clothed him and gave him hope.

·         Hope = (i)  Verbal = Promise to Adam, Genesis 3:15 – seed of the woman

                    (ii)  Stars = massage of stars.  Virgo – virgin -> Leo – Lion.

  (iii) Bible = written prophesies generation after generation of Simon.

 (iv)  Now fulfilled.

·         God invading earth with the intention of breaking the power of sin.

·         Characteristic of God’s Kingdom – Great Joy – Romans 14:17


ii)       Massage for All People:

·         Luke 2:10  - “… which shall be to all people”

·         The Gospel is not a Western Massage about a Western God.

·         God’s purpose is to touch people of all nations.

·         Genesis 12:3 you shall all families of the earth be blessed.

·         Matthew 28:19  -  go make disciples of all nations.

·         Revelation 5:9  -  You have redeemed us unto God, your blood out of every Kindred, and Tongue and People and Nation.

·         Every person in the world need to hear the good news of the Gospel.


iii)     Massage of Our Need for a Saviour:

·         Luke 2:10  -  “unto you is born this day in the City of David a Saviour”

·         The Massage of Christmas creates an offence – man needs a Saviour.

·         PC?

·         Humanism/Religion => focus on y efforts of self-improvement.

·         Romans 3:23  -  All have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God.

ð  something is wrong, lacking in every person.

ð  Sin => living a life independent of God and His ways.

·         Romans 6:23  -  The wages of sin is death => isolation and separation.

·         People try to save themselves – refuse a saviour, refuse help.

·         Save – to rescue, to deliver, to make whole, to prosper.

·         Jesus was more than a prophet, good man – Saviour – Matthew 1:21

·         Acts 4:12  -  “Neither is there salvation in any other for there is no other name”


iv)    Massage of Supernatural Possibilities:

·         Luke 2:11 -  “…A Saviour which is Christ the Lord”

·         Christ = The Anointed One – set apart and empowered by the Holy Spirit.

·         Jesus was anointed for a purpose: Luke 4:18 / Acts 10:38

·         Jesus modeled what a man filled with the Holy Spirit could accomplish.

·         Religion – form without the Power of God – 2 Timothy 4:5

·         The Anointing = God’s empowering to fulfill His purpose.

·         Promise of the Anointing, the Holy Spirit is for all – Acts 2:39

·         A person filled with the Holy Spirit has access to supernatural possibilities.

·         God’s plan – a body of people anointed…”The Christ”


v)     Massage of a Need for Change:

·         Luke 2:11  -  “A Saviour, Christ the Lord”

·         Lord = One with supreme authority and right to rule.

·         Jesus is the King – over a kingdom – Where His will is done.

·         Jesus invited us to be part of His Kingdom.

·         Matthew 4:17  -  Repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand.

-    Gospel ask us to change – mentality, loyalty, lifestyle.

-    Why call me Lord and do not the things I say? – Luke 4:46

·         The presence of Jesus created conflict and became a call of change.


vi)    How will you Respond?

i)        Luke 2:7  -  ‘No Room”?

ii)       Luke 2:15-17  -  “Let us go now and see this”



·         Stars were created for signs – Genesis 1:14

·         Signs = “To come” = point to something to come.

·         Stars were all named by God – Psalm 147:4

·         Stars grouped in Constellations – pictures drawn to remember.

·         Begins      - Virgo                        - The Virgin    - prophecy of the promised seed.

-  Coma         - The Desired One

-  Centauries - Two Natures, despised One

-  Bootes        - Coming One with branch to rule.

·         Ends          - Leo               -  The Lion      - Triumph of the Messiah.

-  The Hydren - The serpent destroyed.

-  Crater         - The cup of wrath on him.

-  Coruns        -  The buds of pray devouring.