Positioning for Purpose                            8 May 2006

1.  Introduction

Romans 12:1.  “Present your bodies as a living sacrifice holy, acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service”.


2. How God has Positioned Us.

E.g.  (1) Positioned as Children of God. (John 1:12)

         (2) Positioned as Kings in His Kingdom.  (Ephesians 1:22-23)

            Royal = Kingly in nature, of a royal line, family of a king.


3.  How to Position Yourself

2 Chronicles 34 Josiah

-          Born in a time of national corruption

-          Positioned by God as a king – positioned to Act

-          Positioned himself for that Purpose

4.  How we can position ourselves for Gods Purpose


(i)  Identify with Jesus Christ                          (Commitment)


(ii)  Align Life with the word of God              (Obedience)


(iii)  Be consistent in small things.                   (Faithfulness)

E.g.  Uganda

E.g.  not ‘eye seen’ = pleasing to man 


(iv)  Pursue the Presence of God                    (Prayer)


(vi)  Embrace Gods Current Prophetic Revelation            (Hearing)

            E.g. Luther, Baptists, Pentecost, 1948, Charismatic, Toronto/Pensacola


(v)  Tear Down Idols in your Imagination     (Cleansing)



(vii)  Passionately Embrace Gods Purpose for your Life. (Focussed, Serving)