1. Introduction.
Ecc3:11. He has set eternity in
their hearts.
2. Purpose to make your life have eternal value
1 Corinthians 6:19-20. You are not
your own – glorify God.
- You only have one life to live.
- What you do with your life has eternal
- “Know who you are”… not a sinner – temple
of God – dwelling place of God
Same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwells
within (Romans 8:11).
You are created by God and redeemed by God = you belong
to Him
Not your own = not made for own independent life
Sin is rejecting God and rejecting his purpose and ways
of living
- “Glorify God with your body”
Glorify = to honour, to exalt to a glorious rank, made
Called to make God famous – to live a life that
pleases/honours him.
John 12:26. If any
man serves me – him will my Father honour.
- What we do in life echoes throughout
eternity” – eternal reward
- Purpose = Make a decision
3. Position Yourself for God to work through you.
Romans 12:1. Present your bodies a
living sacrifice
- “Present”= the act of freely bringing an
offering to God
= presenting yourself to God is a choice = position for blessing
- “Bodies” = Body of animal was connected
totally in the offering
= Present your entire person – all of you – no holding out.
- “Living Sacrifice” – God doesn’t want you
to die but live for Him.
= Sacrifice =
offering, devoted to God out of gratitude = release all claim
= Strong, energetic, sacrificial serving God and advance His kingdom
= Dedicated to Christ and to His cause – Fire comes a Sacrifice
Eg David/Solomon, Gideon
Personal – in prayer day by day
Corporate – connected in relationship in the church
Daily – Consider all you do is to advance the Kingdom
of God
Ø Your work is your
calling – you are a Kingdom ambassador
Ø Your community are the
people you pastor
Ø Your lifestyle, words,
attitudes, actions invade the atmosphere and impact the lives of those around
4. Perceive What Kingdom is Shaping Your Life.
Romans 12:2. “Be not conformed to
this world”
- “World” = kosmos = the values, lifestyle,
attitudes of the current generations
- “Conformed” = to press into a mould so
all come out the same.
- The World around us is governed by
spiritual powers (Ephesians 2:2)
- Pressure comes on every person every day
to yield and conform.
E.g. TV, media,
Adversity, attitudes, words
Eg Apathy, Poverty,
Tall Poppy syndrome, Rejection
- You are called to Subdue and conquer not
surrender – agree with.
- Duet 7:2-6. Destroy their
altars, break down their image.
- Not called to be comfortable called to
- Not called to compromise called to
5. Passionately Embrace Kingdom Values and Life
Romans 12:2. Be transformed by the
renewal of your mind.
- Transform = to morph – totally change
who/what you are
Caterpillar to butterfly – hidden process
- Hidden life with God is revealed by
outward flow/blessing
- Matthew 6:
Pray/fast/give in secret – Father reward openly
- Key to change = Renew the mind
- Renew = renovate – reconstruct after
gutting out the old.
- Word of God will change us – love the
- Must embrace – meditate – confess – live
6. Pursue Advancement of Gods Kingdom
Romans 12:2 – Prove what is that good,
perfect, acceptable will of God
- Will of God = the kingdom of God – kings
- Matthew 6:10. Thy Kingdom come = Thy will be done
Healing, deliverance, joy, peace, abundance … etc.
- To prove = to put to the test, examine
and see for yourself.
- When seek first the kingdom of God
- all
things added
- When hear the word of God and don’t act
- things subtracted
- When faint to apply self to be fruitful
- things