Decide – Don’t drift                1 January 2006


1.  Introduction

Is 43:18-19.  Behold I am doing a new thing.


John 5:1-15.  Crippled man healed.

Ø  Blind = 5185 = No vision, to envelop with smoke, worried with problem

Ø  Halt = 5560 = limping, crippled, unable to walk properly.

Ø  Withered = 3584 = dry, shrunken, no life.

Ø  Impotent= 770 = Powerless, without strength to change.


2.  5 keys for change/enlargement.

1. Decide – Don’t drift.

Duet 30:19.  I set before you life and death, choose life.


2. Don’t place limits on God.

Ps 78:41. “…They limited the Holy One of Israel

Mark 10:27.  …with God all things are possible.

Ø  All of these attitudes limit what God can do through you.


3. Position Yourself to Hear Personally from God.

Rom 10:17.  Faith comes by hearing the Word of God.

Luke 5:5.  Nevertheless at your word I will let down the net.

-          Peter experienced a miracle in his business, personal word.

Prov 8:33-35.  Hear instructions – watching daily – waiting.


4.  Confront issues in your life that limit you.

:14. “Go and Sin No more” – worse thing

Matt4:17.  Repent – kingdom of Heaven at hand.


5. Make known what God has done.

: 10/15.  Man boldly testified what God had done.

Luke 8:39-40.  Man boldly testified – the region turned to Christ.