Let us Crossover.                                                                               8 January 2006


1.  Introduction.

Is 43:18-19.  Behold I do a new thing.


2.  3 internal changes to Make.

Matt 8:18-23.

#1 Fresh Passion for Jesus

Gen 11:31-32.  Terah settled in Haron – locked into grief, he became disappointed.


#2 Fresh Revelation from Jesus.

Matt 4:4… Man lives by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.

1 Cor 2:9-10.  Holy Spirit is the reveller of what God has freely given to you.


#3.  Fresh Enlargement.

                                 = increase in expectancy

                                 = increase in vision

                        = place of resting in yesteryears success

                                    = place you say ‘no’ to growth and change.

Is 54:2.  – Enlarge    = Begin to dream, plan for growth, increase, change, Increase in $,                   in influence, in impact, in LOVE.

               - Stretch    = No increase without a stretch – stretching is painful, miracles comes  in the stretching as you reach out beyond.

E.g. Mk 3:5.  Stretch forth your hand – and he stretched – made whole.

               - Spare Not = Don’t with hold from God – don’t hold back.  What areas are you holding back from? Surrender, Stretch.