Walking in Victory #3

Receiving Grace


1. Introduction


-          Reign = 936

= to exercise kingly power, to be a king, exercise dominion.

= to be empowered to overcome in every circumstance         and situation.




2. The Foundation for Reigning is



·         What are the requirements to reign in life?

Romans 5:17.  Receive the abundance of grace and the gift of               righteousness.

·         Grace = 5485 = the power of God given to you to empower you.  To enable you to conquer sin and overcome in life and fulfil the Will of God.

·         Romans 5:21 - even so might grace reign through righteousness

·         Grace is the power of God - it is the activity of the Holy Spirit in you.

·         Holy Spirit is called the Spirit of Grace (Heb10:29)

·         Grace reigns = the power of the Holy Spirit enables you to overcome in every situation.

·         Righteousness = to be made right with God so have free     access to him.

·         Romans 5:1-2 Being Justified by faith


1.      We have peace with God (i.e. to become joined, set at one)

2.      We have access to the Grace (Power) of God.


·         How do you become Righteous (Right with God)

Romans 10:1-3



a)     By our own Works

                                                               i.      i.e. By trusting in your own performance. (Rom3:20)

                                                             ii.      This means must never fail or commit any sin

b)     By Faith

                                                               i.      i.e. By believing and putting total trust in God’s provision.

                                                             ii.      Rom10:9-12 (With the heart man believes and with mouth he                       confesses)


·         God offers righteousness as a free gift to be received by faith.

·         We become righteous when we receive Christ the Righteous One

·         1Cor1:30 Christ is made unto us righteousness.

·         2Cor5:21 that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.

·         To receive the grace (ability of God) to rule in life in every area

·         I must accept I am righteous in Jesus (Rom4:3-5).

·         I must believe and confess this righteousness - standing with God.

·         Righteousness makes you able to boldly access the grace of God.


3. Grace is Available for Every Need:


Hebrews 4:15-16 “Let us come boldly to the throne of grace”.



         i.            Righteousness - I must know my standing with God

·         Prov28:1 - the righteous are as bold as a lion

·         Knowing (believing in heart) I am right with God = boldness

·         Tendency is when you fail = condemned = lose boldness =“try hard”


       ii.            Humility - I must come with dependency on God

·         James 4:6 “God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble”

·         Proud = despising others, over rating ones own ability.

·         Humble = recognising ones need for God’s help and         submitting.


4. Grace is Available:


1)    Personal Failures

Hebrews 4:16 ‘Obtain “Mercy’”

·         Mercy = Forgiveness and removal of sin/failure.

·         Key Issues, Repentance and confession and Faith (1Jn1:9)


2)    To Overcome in Life

            Hebrews 4:16 grace to help in time of need.

·         Literally “well timed grace” = set appointed time.

·         Grace only released at point you need it.

·         You don’t get the grace until the point of need.

·         E.g. Temptation - 1Cor10:13/2Cor10:5

·         E.g. Difficulties of Life Phil4:13, Rom8:37