

Mothers Day



1.  Introduction:


Ephesians 6:2  “Honor you father and your mother - - - that it may be well with you and you may live long in the earth”.

·         Honor = 5091= to prize, fix a high value upon, treat as precious.

·         Special promises are given to those who respond to parents in a godly way.

·         Honor =>  * must be given   * It’s a choice   * It is a gift


2.  Women are Unique:


·         Entrusted the ability to host a life – know how it feels to have another life develop within them.

·         Ability to nurture a child in a way a man cannot.

·         Crucial role of shaping a child during the first most impressive years.


·         Women are important to God:

·         First to receive revelation of god’s most sensitive secret plan. (salvation) – God entrusted a women with the secret.

·         First protector of God’s secret plan.

·         Great women in the Bible:

* Moses Mother              * Esther                      

* Miriam                           * Sarah

* Rahab                           * Pricilla

* Deborah                       * Lydia

* Mary – first revelation of the resurrection.

             - first evangelist.

* Mary – first revelation of death.

* Woman – revelation to Worship.


3.  5 Needs a Woman Meets

What words come to mind when you think “Mother”?


(a)  Safety:


·   Isaiah 66:13  As one without his mother I will comfort you.

·   Children have overwhelming needs/feelings.

·   Need safety from a person who is stable, predictable, available.



Needs a person to turn a dangerous world into a safe place.

·   Proverbs 18:10  The name of the Lord is a strong tower – the righteous run into it and are safe”.


(b)  Nurture:


·   Isaiah 49:15 “ Can a women forget her suckling child that she should not have compassion”

·   Nurture = to feed, nourish.

·   Nurture is food for the soul – words, touch, smile.

·   Without nurture children wither and fail to thrive.


(c)  Belonging:


·   Isaiah 49:16  Behold I have graven you on the palm of my hands.

·   Love and care communicate to a child they are wanted.

·   Feeling of being wanted comes through experience of being wanted into a relationship with other person.


(d)  Basic Trust:


·   Psalm 22:9  You did make me hope (trust) when I was upon my mothers breasts.

·   Trust = ability to invest into relationship – must learn this.

·   Trust enables us to reach out, depend, see others as a source of good.

·   Trust nurtures the ability to enter into a intimate relationship.


(e)  Someone to Love:


·   1 John 4:19  We love him because his first loved us.

·   A child needs someone to love – emotional development.

·   If the mother is safe – the child is able to love her – if not the child is overwhelmed with isolation and hate.


·   Every need above is met through relationship with God himself.


  1. Honor Mothers:


(1) Married Mothers                                                

      * Young mothers

      * Mothers with teens

      * Mothers with grown children

      * Grand mothers



(2) Mothers that are Alone

      * Widows – lost companion

      * Divorced – failed companion

      * Solo – failed companion


(3)  Mothers with empty arms

       * Miscarried

       * Abortions

       * Accidental death

       * Children with father


(4)  Missing Mothers

       * Mother recently died

       * Mother never connecting


Honor = Express value and appreciation through words, attitude and actions.