Made for Dominion 2


1.  Introduction

      Phil 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me’.

      (i)         You were made for dominion – it is built into your being. (Ps 8:6)

                  - The thrill of achievement.

      (ii)        You were given a command to have dominion – to prevail.  (Gen 1:28)

                  - Personal success – Corporate success – disciple nation

      (iii)       The ability to have dominion is the result of receiving and                                                          expressing the             Life of Christ.  (Phil 4:13)

·         Can Do” = 2480 = to prevail; gain the victory, to exercise force.

·         Strengthen” = 1743 = to empower, increase strength

·         Must develop a “can do” attitude to life and its challenges.

·         Must learn how to receive and release the Life of the Holy Spirit within.


2.  What does it Mean – “Have Dominion”?

      (a)  Dominion = To exercise authority or have a prevailing influence as a                                         representative of Christ, acting on His behalf.


(i)     Dominion means acting as a “Representative of Christ”.


·     Eg.  1Sam 17:45.  I come to you in the name of the Lord of Hosts.

·         David was a representative of God.

·         David prevailed over Goliath – giant defiling Gods people and purpose.

·         Christ has won the victory over every conflict of Life.

·         2 Cor 5:15.  Henceforth no longer live for themselves but for Him.

-     Christian Life is one of identifying with Christ – living for them

- v20.  Now then we are “ambassadors for Christ”.

·         We are an ambassador – one speaking and acting on behalf of another.

·         There can be no victory or dominion struggling in our own strength.

·         Represent = to be a substitute for, to present something again.

                          to exhibit the likeness of.

·         You cannot represent Christ without closely attaching to him and identifying with Him.  Agreement.

·         “Who are you?” “Identify yourself”!

·         Water Baptism is a faith action of identifying with Christ.

·         Membership is a faith action of identifying with a local Church.

·         Have you received Christ and identified with Him - I am a Christian

                                                                                       - I am a Disciple of Christ

(ii)    Dominion Means Advancing the Course of Christ


·         Jesus lived His Life for a Cause – advancing Kingdom of God

·           “Seek and Save the Lost”  (Luke 19:10)

·           “Destroy the Works of the dead”  (1John 3:8)

       i.e.  Ignorance, poverty, oppression, sickness, rejection, injustice



·         God is interested in every area of your life and of Society.

      Health         Education          Finance          Government           

·         The Church has retreated and isolated itself from the community

·         Community view of ‘church’ is pews, hymns, alters, poles.

·         Church must engage the community in every area.

·         “Is there not a cause?”  (1Sam 17:29)

·         Lost people matter to God – Paid immense price to save them.


    (iii)   Dominion means exercising authority or “prevailing influence”


·         Dominion does not mean “dominion/control”

  Matt 20:25-28.  “… not so among you – whosoever will be great among you let                                 him be your servant”.

·         The nature of the Kingdom of God is a “serving heart

·     Jesus came into a world in need to “serve and give his Life”.

·         The Spirit of God is a life giving Spirit.

E.g.  Joseph prevailed over injustice.  Gen 41:38-40

E.g.  Daniel prevailed over enemy.  Dan 6:3-4

E.g.  Paul and Silas prevailed over opposition.  Acts 16:25-26

·         Bible abounds in people who prevailed and influenced society.

·         Acts 19:10.  All which dwell in Asia heard the Word of the Lord.

                  :20.  So mightily grew the Word of God is prevailing.

·         Early church arose and exerted a “prevailing influence in the region”.

·         Dominion starts with Personal Victory

                        Expands when the Church influences the Community.

·         Final Victory is already Revealed!

                        Rev 11:15.  The Kingdoms of this world have become the Kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ and He shall reign forever.