Royal Priesthood #4

Tabernacle Prayer


1.  Introduction:


Hebrews 13:5  “By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise continually, that is the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name.


·     Every believer is called to be a priest to God ð  with a strong affective prayer life.

·         Sacrifice = 2378 = to breath hard, costly offering  ð effort that costs you.

i)        Fruit of our lips  ð  verbal, spoken out loud – arising from grateful    heart – “to thank”.

ii)       Giving thanks = 3670 = homologeo = to acknowledge, speak the same as the Word of God.

·         Must learn how to use the Word of God in prayer, pray in agreement with the Word (Philemon 6)

·         Tabernacle gives a pattern or skeleton for effective prayer.

·         Hebrews 11:23-24  “-- the patterns of things in the heavens - - forgives of the true

-          The Tabernacle of Moses was made according to a specific pattern God gave.

-          Pattern = 5263 = an example, to show in front of eyes.

-          Figure  =  499  =  a representative, counterpart.


ð  The Natural Tabernacle has a representative of the real.

·         The service or ministry of the Priest gives a pattern or outline for prayer.


2. The Brazen Altar:


Hebrews 10:19  “Having boldness to enter the holiest of holies by the Blood of Jesus.”

Hebrews 10:23   “Let us hold fast the profession of our faith.”


-          Hold fast    = 2722 = to get a strong grip in, seize, strongly hold onto.

-          Profession  =  3670  = homologea = confession, speak, same as.

-          Boldness   =  3954 = outspoken, strong speaking, fearless confidence.


è  Proclaim the Benefits of the Cross and the Blood:

·         Confess who Jesus is o you  - Saviour, Lord.

·         Confess what the Blood has done for you - - -

* Forgive          * Redeemed from Sin       * Satan   

           * Poverty          * Sickness                            * Curses

·         Confess the blessings obtained.

      * Accepted                          * Child of Go

     * Authority over all the works from darkness:

         - Blessed                 - Access to God     - Healing     - Success

·         Strong and bold assertive statements mixed with thanks.


3.  The Brazen Laver:


Romans 12:1  “Present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God which is your responsible service.”


·   Present = 3936 = to stand alongside, covenant, to set in place.


è  Present parts of your body for cleansing and for holy living:

      • Mind/Imagination       * Mouth          * Works of hand

      • Ears                                * Desires         * Walk – daily activity

      • Eyes                               * Will               


·       Acknowledge the presence of any defilement and ask for cleansing.

·       Present each part of your body for holy living.


4.  The Golden Candle Stick:


·         Exodus 30:7  “- - every morning when he dresses the lamps.”

      Dress  =  3190  =  to cause to burn strongly i.e. trim the wick of.

·         Matthew 25:4   “ - - the wise took oil  in  their   vessels with  their   lamps.”

·         The daily responsibility of the priest was to trim the wick and fill with oil so that the Holy place lit up.


è  Fresh infilling of the Holy Spirit and Surrender to Him:

a)     Acknowledge the Holy Spirit – any offence to Him.

(Ephesians 4:29 / 1 Thessalonians 5:19)

b)     Pray in Tongues – Build the spirit man.  (Jude 29)

c)     Acknowledge anointing.  (Luke 4:18 / Isaiah 11:2)

* Spirit of the Lord    * Wisdom       * Understanding  

* Council                   * Might           * Knowledge

* Fear of the Lord

d)  Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22)

      * Love                        * Joy               * Peace         * Longsuffering

      * Gentleness * Goodness   * Faith             * Meekness

      * Temperance

e)  Gifts of the Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:7-10)

5.  Table of Show Bread:


John 6:33  “The bread of heaven which is comes down from heaven and gives life to the world. I am the Bread of Life.”


·         Bread – sustains life – it’s the basic food of every nation on the earth.


 (a)è  Acknowledge Christ as our source – He meets all our needs:

      * Lord my Provider                     - Jehovah Jireh                Gen 22:1-14

      * Lord my Righteousness          - Jehovah Tsidkem           2 Cor 5:21

* Lord my Shepard                    - Jehovah Rah                  Psalm 23:1

* Lord my Healer                                    - Jehovah Raphi               Ex 15 :26

* Lord my Peace                                    - Jehovah Sharlom          Eph 2:14 -16

* Lord my Banner                       - Jehovah Nissi                  Ex 17:8-15

* Lord ever with me                  - Jehovah Shunma           Matt 28:20


  (b) è Acknowledge we are Part of His Body – the Church:

          1 Corinthians 10:17  “We being many are one bread.”


6.  Golden Alter Incense:


     Exodus 30:7  “- - burn sweet incense every morning.”

     Revelation 8:3  “ - - the prayer of all the saints.”


·         Incense was put upon burning hot coals of fire from the brass altar.

·         Clouds of smoke billowed up when incense are put on the coals.


(a) è  Praise and gratitude to the Lord – Tongues/English

(b) è  Intersession for needs of others – Tongues/English


NotePriest had 12 Stones on his breastplate - one for each tribe in his heart. (Exodus 28:29)


7.  Ark of the Covenant:


Exodus 25:22  “there I will meet you and commune with you”


(a) è Worship and waiting on the Lord.

(b) è Listening and Journaling.

(c) è Fresh impartation for missions.  (Isaiah 6:1-6 / Acts 13:2)