Purpose Driven life #4

Discipleship – Becoming like Christ


1. Introduction:


·         God has created you for His purposes. There are 5 key purposes God has for your life.

·         1st purpose: Worship – You wre created to know and love God.

·         2nd Purpose: Fellowship – You wre formed for God’s Family.

·         Romans 8:29 – “He did predestimate to be conformed to the image of His Son”.

·         3rd Purpose: Dicipleship – Becoming like Jesus Christ.

·         Conformed’ = 4832 = to shape into the same form.

                                         =  to make you a godly person.

                                         =  to develop your character, values, attitudes,

                                             thoughts, prespective to be like Christ.

·         Ephesians 4:15 – many grow up into him in all things

           š “become more and more in everything like Him”.

      God wants you to grow up! – don’t stay a baby, immature.

   Growing up is a process – it takes time and truth and grace (Power of God)

   This process of growing up is called dicipleship – it lasts a lifetime.

   How does God do it?

   Romans 8:28 – He uses all things to fulfill this purpose š failures,    pain, problems.  

                           -  To grow up you need the truth (Bible) + People (Fellowship)


2.  God uses trouble  - Teach us to trust Him.


Romans 5:3-4 – tribulation works patience and patience, experience.


·        Experience = 1382 = proven character; proven through testing, 


·        Tribulation   = 2346 = pressure, troubles, difficult circunstances.


(a)  Ÿ Troubles are difficult situations desighned by God to bring us  closer to Him.

·  It doesn’t take faith if everything goes right.

·  God is not committed to your comfort – He is committed to your character.

·  This is not heaven (earth) – not the place for comfort – it’s a place for character development.

·  Deuteronomy 8:2-3 “God permitted and designed difficulties to teach His people to trust.

(b)    Ÿ Every problem has a purpose!

·   It doesn’t matter who caused the problem! – yourself? Person? Devil?

·   The purpose of that problem give you opportunity to grow in trusting God.

·   Romans 8:28 “Now we know all things work together for good.

·   Work together = 4903 = to be colaborers, to work together and achieving the same task.


   (c)  Ÿ Matthew 26:37-39 “Then he said my soul is exeeding sorowful   even unto death.

   “My soul is deeply grieved  - to the point of death” (NAS)

   “My soul is crushed with horor and sadness to the point of death” (TLB)

·   The key issue he faced was  - would he trust God even if painful?  – Even if it meant death?

·   Key response: Surendered control and trusting God.

V 39 – Nevertheless – not as I will but as You will!

·   Note:  He went to the garden with friends to stand with him in time of trouble.

Everyone needs: (i) Friends.  (ii) Prayer.  (iii) Trust & let go to God.


(d)    Ÿ 2 Helps when troubled:

            (i) Keep a journal of your insights.  (Numbers 33:2)

            (ii) Remember God will reward you. (2 Corinthians 4:17)   


3. God uses temptations – To Teach us to Obey.


Matthew 4:1 “Then was Jesus let up with the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil.


·         Tempted = 3984 = to prove, to test, to attempt to pierce.


(a)    Ÿ Temptation = situation designed by the devil – never by God!

                                   (James 1:13)

                                = situation intended for evil, to hurt us.

·   God never tempts us but He doe use it as an opportunity for our good.


(b)   Ÿ Every temptation provides a choice – choose for God and grow and be rewarded.

·   1 Corinthians 10:13 “God is faithfull – make a way of escape  that may be able to bear it”.

(i)                  It is not a sin to be tempted. (Even Jesus was tempted  Hebrews 21:18.4:15)

(ii)                Every person is tempted in the same ways.

(iii)               You never get so spiritual you never get tempted.

(iv)             Temptation test what you love the most. (Jeremiah 1:14 Drawn by own desire)

Money?  Relationship?  Comfort?  Security?  Reputation?

What is it you realy love?

If you love God, then obey Him. (John 14:21)


(c)        Example of Jesus: Hebrews 4:15  He was  in everypoint tempted as we are yet without sin.


(d)        2 Helps when tempted: (Phillipians 4:8)

(i)                  Refocus your thoughts – whatever has your attention has you.

(ii)                Accountibility to Spiritual Partner. (Ecclesiastes 4:7) Be open about your temptations.


4.  God uses trespasses – To Teach us to forgive.


Mark 11:25 And when you stand praying, forgive if you have ought against any.

·         Trespasses = 3900 = fault, offence, sin, unintentional error, wilful breaking the law.


(a)         Trespass = situation designed by other people to hurt us.

·         There are some people who want to hurt us (intentionally) – others unintentionally.

·         The most difficult test of all = bear hurts of others without retaliating.

·         Involves being hurt, misunderstood, criticized, judged, hurt physically, emotionally, verbally.

·         These situations are not goodEvil!  God is not the author of evil. (James 1:13)


(b)        Every trespass provides a choice – to retaliate! Or to Forgive!

·         When you retaliate:

       * You are responsible for your words, actions, and reactions.

       * You have chosen to let the evil of others overcome you.

       * You have chosen to allow the evil of others to defile you.

       * You become locked emotional and spiritually to that evil.

·         When you forgive

       * You take responsibility for your own responses.

       * You have chosen to let go the right to get even.

       * You have chosen to put up with the pain and respond with     joy.

       * You become more like Christ.


(c)        Example of Jesus.  Matthew 27:39-43 Jesus was abused physically, emotionally, verbally.

·         Luke 23:34 “Father forgive them! – His response.

·         1 Peter 2:23 When he was reviled – he did not revile back.

·         Jesus “committed his cares” to the Father.

·         This is not heaven – people will hurt you intentionally! and unintentionally.

·         To become like Christ – we must learn to forgive.


(d)        2 Helps when hurt by people:

(i)  Remember God has forgiven you. (Ephesians 4:32)

(ii) Remember God is in control. (Genesis 50:20 Joseph)