

Breaking Through Resistance to Faith



1.  Introduction:


     1 Corinthians 3:7    'A year of 'faith and increase'.

Romans 15:13    “Now the God of all hope fill you with joy and  peace in believing that you might abound in hope”.


·       Hope = to anticipate with pleasure, to confidently expect   something not yet seen.

·       God desires you abound in hope – be full of positive expectancy.

·       The key for this happening? -  “Through believing” - ie.  The exercise of faith.

·       Faith is what releases the power and resources of God into your life.

·       Faith enables you to access the supernatural realm and see miracles happen.

·       Mark 9:23  If you can believeall things are possible to him the believes.


We are not limited by circumstances, we can choose to change them.

We are limited by our “attitude” and believingEphesians 3:20 



2.  Breaking Through Resistance:


·         To see miracles and increase from God

            - must break through resistance.

           - whatsoever is not of faith is SIN.


        Mark 5:24-34 'Woman who received a miracle'.


       (i)  She believed God:


                 (v27)  “When she had heard of Jesus”.


·       There is a difference between faith and hope.

Hope: to anticipate with pleasure, confidently expect 

            something not seen.

Faith:  to know, to be completely persuaded that what 

           God has said will happen.

·       People often mistake hope and faith.






·       Hebrews 11:1 “Now faith is the substance of things hoped 

                               for, the evidence of things not yet seen”. 

Substance = 5287 =  hupostasis { hoop-os’-tas-is}  = to set

                                       under, support, confidence.   

  -  Evidence   = 1685 = elegchos { el’-eng-khos} = a proof,   

                                        that by which a thing is proved or 

                                        tested, conviction.

·       Faith comes when you hear the Word of God and become joined to it.

·       It is a “Rhema”, something made alive within you by the Holy Spirit that you hold fast 

onto – become joined to.

·       Compare  Hebrews 4:1-2  'Word preached did not profit –

                                                   become not mixed.

Profit = 5623 = opheleo { o-fel-eh’-o} to benefit,  be useful,

                         to prevail, gain advantage. 

      Mixed = 4786 =  sugkerannumi { soong-ker-an’-noo-mee} to 

                                 mingle together, combine, assimilate.

      Hearing is not enough – must be joined to what God says.

                    Eg. Mary – Luke 1:38        Mary's council  - John 3:5



(ii) She Pushed Through the Resistance of Circumstances:


·       Circumstances = what you have experienced – what things “look to be”.

·       (v26Her problem:       *  Secret – unable to share.

             *  Financially draining.

             *  Persistent – 12 years.

             *  No hope of change.

             *  aggravated by treatment.

·       When focused on the circumstances, you cannot see the possibilities of God.

·       You must focus your attention “what God says” not “what God looks like”.

·       Eg.  Numbers 13   Giants, fortified cities – “We are well able!”.


  Faith focuses on “what God says” about the circumstances.



 (iii)  She Pushed Through the Persistence of People.


·       “She came in the press -  great crowd pushing along.

·       People often mean well but resist you breaking through.

·       People express wordsnegative, unbelief, opinions.





This creates an atmosphere of resistance you must break through.


   Eg. Numbers 13:30   “Caleb silenced them”.

   Eg. Mark 6:3-6  “Jesus marveled at unbelief – then pushed


Found those who are receptive – separated from 


Taught/Spoke the Word of God.


Unbelief creates a heavy atmosphere that settles over people  and quenches the power of God – must break through it.


 Eg.  Mark 5;37 and 40  They laughed him to scorn ie, “laughed down”.

·         Jesus separated himself from those who ridiculed

       grieved and skepticism.


(iv)  She Pushed Through the Resistance within herself:


·       (v 28)  She spoke within herself .

·       Resistance arises within mind, emotions,  - you must align with God's word. (Matthew 9:22)                                                                                       

·       The woman spoke to herselfconfessed – layed out her with to God.

·        Philemon 6   Faith is communicated by acknowledging the word of God.

·       You must learn to encourage yourself - “I believe”

     “I choose”

                  eg.  David encouraging himself in the Lord  -  1 Samuel 30    


(v)               She laid hold of Jesus' Garment with Expectancy! :

            (Matthew 9:20)


·       Hem of garment = fringe, tassel, border.

·       Hem of garment represented Gods Covenant WordNumbers 15:36-39)

·       She laid hold of her covenant rights with God.

·       Immediately she received a miracle.

·       What will you break through to lay hold of God's Garment? Proven to you?



            Jesus notices when faith is exercised:


(i)        He affirmed her - “Daughter”

(ii)       Called for her to Testify

(iii)Blessed her - Healing from inner torment

                          -  Shame broken