19 October 2003                                                             1                                                     Motivation For a Lifetime #4




                                 Motivation for a Lifetime #4


1.     Introduction:


Philippians 3:14-15 - “I press towards the mark for this prize........”


·         Paul – the most motivated and productive apostle of the New Testament.

·         Reaching faith  = 1901 =  to stretch oneself forward.

·         “Press”               =  1377to pursue, to follow hard after something very important.

·         “Prize”                =  1017 =  prize or victors crown won by person in public games.

                                          =  reward offered by Christ to faithful servants.

·         Paul endured great difficulties and kept his eye on reward. ( eg.  Moses)

·         Paul urges us believers to have same attitude.



2.     God is a Rewarder:


  John 15:16 - “Chosen you and ordained you that you should go and bring forth mush fruit”.


·         Every believer has been selected by God with the purpose of being productive.

·         Every believer is the full time servant of God. (Romans 6:22)

·         Every believer is called to extend the Kingdom of God – bring faith fruit!

·         Every believer's work – labor will be evaluated with reward in mind.

·         Revelation 22:12My reward is with me to give every man according as his work shall be”.

·         “Reward”  =  3408 = misthos = wages, reward, to pay for services.

                               =  Personal recognition & reward for what you did to serve Christ.

·         1 Corinthians 12:7The manifestation of the Spirit  is given to every man to profit”.

·         Every believer receives the indwelling Holy Spirit.

·         Every believer is expected to “profit” to bring increase, be productive.

·         The indwelling life of the Holy Spirit makes this possible, but you must apply it yourself.


·         How does God Evaluate?


1)  How Productive?                     :  (Luke 19)        - Different diligence  =>  different reward.

2)  How gifted?                              :  (Matthew 25)  - More given             =>   more expected.

3)  How much opportunity?           :  (Matthew 20)  -  Less opportunity    =>  same possible 

                                                                                       reward .

                                                                                       God rewards justly not equally.



3.     Parable of the Talents:


       Matthew 25:14-30:


       a)  Background:


·         Disciples have asked a question about the coming of the Lord. (24:3)

·         Jesus response is some teaching together with 5 parables & warnings.

(i)  Noah       - violence in end times           - coming of Lord unexpected => WATCH                     (ii) Thief           -  demonic activity ” “             - coming of thief unexpected           =>   WATCH

(iii) Servants - wise & foolish servants       - service will be judged                    =>   SERVE

(iv) Virgins    - wise & foolish virgins           - Lord will come suddenly            => PREPARE

(v) Talents    - faithful & unfaithful servant  - Lord will call to account                =>   SERVE


 19 October 2003                                                              2                                                        Motivation of a Lifetime #4




       b)  “Master traveling to far country”:


·         Jesus Christ is the owner of all things.

·         Jesus has ascended into heaven.

·         Servants are Christians – believers – followers of Christ.

                                        -  bought with His money.


       c)  “Delivered to them his goods” :


·         Every servant receive from Christ.

·         God gives more gifts to some than others, account to ability to manage.

·         God expects every servant to be productive with what he has received.

·         1 Peter 4:10 “As every man has  received the gift minister the same one to another on good 

       stewards of the grace of God.


  d)  The Servants Conduct:


·         “Traded” = 2038 = to work, toil labor & be engaged with a difficult task.

                               = to apply effort & energy to task to produce results.

·         “Traded”              =  (i) Initiative      (ii)  Risk taking       (iii)  Perseverance

·         “Hid”       = 2928  = To conceal by covering, to keep secret.

·         Two servants traded and were productive – One did not, concealed.

·         Two servants labored to extend the masters kingdom & influence.

·         All servants were call to account for their service – How productive? 


       e)  Two Servants Commended/Rewarded:


·         Both traded and were productive – Both were diligent!

·         “Diligent” = 2782 = to point sharply, be determined, stir self up.

                        = 4710 = to make speed, o make effort, to be passionate.

·         Both were equally productive.  100 fold return => same diligence.

·         Both received the same commendations:

(i)  Work - “Well done”              (ii)  Character - “Good & Faithful” (yielded)

·         Both received the same reward:

(i)   Made ruler                 :  Revelations 3:21 “Him that overcome – sit with me in my throne

          (ii)  Enter the joy              :  Entered into experience & encounter with Christ.



      f)  One Servant Rebuked:


·         The other servant had no heart to extend Kingdom of the Lord.

·         Servant:               (i)  Excused himself   -  in own mind convinced excuse acceptable.

  (ii)  Hid his talent        -  not productive but believes he is OK.

  (iii)  Blame shifted       -  accuses the master op Adam.

  (iv)  Real motive         -  fear  “selfcentredness”.

·         Servants character rebuked:

(i)   Wicked              -  4190  =  to have a hurtful or harmful influence (not evil character).

(ii)   Slothful              -  3635  = slow, reluctant, delay, procrastinate.

(iii)  Unprofitable      -    888  =  without use, value, profit, unemployed.

·         Consequences:    Loss of opportunity, loss reward.

·         Malachi 3:14-18  “God remembers what we do & keeps record so he can reward us.





19 October 2003                                                  3                                              Motivation for a Lifetime #4




                                                            What must I do?:


(1)  Apply self to know the Lord -  What He is?  Why?


·        Word of God.

·        Prayer


(2)  Identify what the Lord has given you.


·        Talents

·        Passion

·        Opportunity


(3)  Expect Holy Spirit to direct and lead you daily.


·        Keep free in Spirit

·        Keep filled


(4)  Apply self (work) to extend Kingdom of God.


·        Home – family

·        Church relationships

·        Community


(5)  Encourage self – God is a Rewarder.


·        Nothing is overlooked by God

·        Lord is a rewarder