Motivation for a Lifetime #1


1.   Introduction


·         1st Principal of motivation – it comes from within you

·         Motivation will determine your choices, your actions, your lifestyle, benefits

·         Eg. Joshua 14:10-12  “Caleb remained deeply motivated for 45 years”

·          Motivation gave him endurance (v10)

·          Motivation gave him strength (v11)

·          Motivation was centered upon further hope (v12)-a dream of what    could be

·              Motivation was based on personal faith in the promise of God  (v6,9)

·       Every behavior needs a inner motivation to be willing to change, grow, sacrifice

·       Why should I grow?  Why should I change?   - 


2.  God is a Rewarder 


Hebrews 11:6  “God is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him” 


·         The relationship of God is based upon faith – trust in who He is

·         It is impossible to please Him without faith – willing to trust His word, 1 Character

·         He that comes to God “must believe”

              “Must”     =>  Essential required

              “Believe” =>  To please your trust in and entrust your well-being to this


           (a)  God Exists:   *  There is a real God who can be known personally

                                      *  Foundation step of faith to trust Christ for salvation

                                      *  John 1:12     

           (b)  God is a Rewarder:  *  Rewarder  = to compensate for something someone has done                                                         by paying them wages as a reward 


·         Here is a Key Concept for you to Understand   -  “Your believe determines your destination -         where you spend eternity

     Ephesians 2:8  “By grace saved, through faith, not of works”

     The only work you do to ensure entrance to heaven is to Believe in Christ”.  Your behavior determines your compensation – how you will spend eternity

     Hebrews 11:6  “God is a Rewarder”  =>  Gives you reward for what you did

     Luke 6:22-23   “Your reward is great in Heaven”                 

                      6:32-35   “Your reward shall be great”

·         Here is a reason we can rejoice when it is difficult, when facing pressure

       Here is a reason we can be motivated to love unlovely people

       “Your Reward is Great in Heaven”

·         Reward  =  3408 Misthos =  Pay for services, wages

·         NB:  There is a direct connection between something you do for Him on earth and something                   great He will do for you in Heaven.

·         NB:   Jesus distinguish: Gift you receive from believing

                                             Reward you receive for doing

·         The reward is yours if you believe in a certain way – not yours if you don't













3.  Jesus Thought on Reward 


·         Matthew 16:27   “The Son of man shall come --- then shall he reward every man according to                          his works”

·         You receive eternal life as a gift for believing in Christ

·         You receive eternal rewards as wages for behavior

·         Your action on earth have consequences in eternity


       Notice the statements:

* Jesus will come again  * Jesus will bring rewards  * Jesus will evaluate your work

* Jesus will reward your work  * This is in the future                    

·         Mark 10:28-30  “Lord we have left all to follow you – What receive?

·         Jesus identifies the people who will be rewarded – people who followed Him

     Cost them:  Home; Family; Lands - Source of income

     Actions were motivated for the cause of Christ

·         Jesus promises:  (i) Now in this life          * 100 fold return

                                                                        *  With persecution/opposition

                                  (ii) In the age to come   *  eternal life (reward for service)

                                                                        *  Vll treasure in heaven

·         Key issue is faith  - believe and behavior

    Believing that God is good & just and will reward that which you have done

    Believing that the treasure God gives is more than compensation for any loss

    Believing in a way that qualifies you for a reward

·         Luke 14:14  -- “You will be recompensed at the resurrection of the Just”


4.   Key events in your History


·         There is no exception in the following series of events:                 

1.   Birth:   *You enter the physical world at the time & place appointed by God. Your                         eternal life begins.


               2.  Life:  * You are created by God in his image for a life of purpose      

                              * You live in a body and have in a spirit and soul 1Thessalonians 5:23

                         * You make decisions how you will live your live - response to Christ


               3. Death:   * You die physically but not spiritually – death is a separation

                                 * After death your spirit/soul are with God in heaven or eternity separated 

                                    from God


               4. Destination:  * You reach your destination  - determined by what you believed 

                                          *John 3:16  Eternal destination is determined by your faith in Christ

                                          *There are only 2 possible destinations  - Heaven or Hell – Forever

                                          *Luke 16:22,23


               5. Resurrection:   *You receive a resurrected body

                                              *In eternity every person receive a resurrected body – immortal body                                         * You can never again experience death


6.   Reward    *You receive reward/payment for eternity based on what you did on earth.                      All will be judged – all will receive


·        2 Corinthians 5:10  We must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ     that everyone may     receive the things done in his body

·        Judgment seat  = ”bema” = The Olympic Podium – place of   acknowledgement

·        The outcome will determine what reward you receive


7.  Eternity   * You live forever in the presence or absence of God (Matthew 25:46)    

           * You reap the consequences of your actions on earth

           * Eternity is a real life in a real place

           * Reward for what you do on earth is for eternity


·       Do you live for “the now” or “eternity” in mind?


Philippians 3:13-15   I'll press towards the mark for the prize!


Prize =  1017  = a prize won for competing successfully in the public games or Olympics


Prize  =>  a conflict, a race to be won – reward for overcoming


·         “God is a Rewarder!”