1     Introduction

·         “Legacy” = something handed down or passed down from one generation to next.

·         Can be material eg money, property.

·         Can be non-material eg values, experiences, example.

·         Proverbs 13:22  “A good man leaves an inheritance (legacy) to his children’s children.

·         “A good man” Þ His values and priorities and character are good.

·         He is a producer not a consumer.  He plans for the future.

·         An inheritance left to children can be lost if they don’t know how to manage it.

·         A good man trains his children so values and skills are transferred generation to generation.

·         What legacy will you leave?

·         What influence imparted to grandchildren?

·         Does not occur by accident – must be planned.



Two prominent Oil Company Executives died suddenly in a small plane crash.  At the funeral friends and associates honoured him.

“Amazing; committed to excellence; accomplishments for Company and Community”.

One teen son:  “Wished I had something good to say but don’t (tears)”.  “Wished I knew the man everyone talked about but didn’t”.

Father’s priorities were wrong – no real heritage to grandchildren.



2     David’s Legacy to his Son

·         Proverbs 4:1-4  “Hear the instruction of a father … I was my father’s son, he taught me also.”

·         David had passed on a legacy to his son Solomon – wisdom and insight.

·         Solomon is now passing on that legacy to his own son.

1 Chronicles 28:9-12   David’s legacy to his son

i)     Personal Life Example

·         vs9 “The God of your father”.

·         David loved God and lived a God honouring life.

·         David experienced the faithfulness of God through is life.

·         His personal life modelled/was an example for Solomon to follow.


ii)   Personal Instruction

·         Proverbs 4:4  “he taught me also”.

·         David invested time into his son Solomon – quality time.

·         David instructed him in the ways and values of God.

·         David taught him what God is like (1 Chronicles 28:9).





iii)  Personal Direction

·         David gave strong direction to Solomon concerning his future:

a)    Priority of a strong relationship with God

·         vs9 “Know the God of your father”

·         “Know” = Be intimate with.

·         vs9 “Serve him with a perfect heart and willing mind”

·         He warned him of the dangers of wrong priorities.

·         He instructed him in priorities – centering life on God.


b)    Destiny

·         He explained the purpose and call of God upon his life.

·         vs10  “Chosen” = calling of God upon him – personal choice required.

·         vs10  “Build = must become productive, invest and produce.

·         vs10  “Build a house for God”:

- construct your life so presence of God can fulfil

                   - build personal life so carry presence of God

                   - build family life so reflects God’s order, presence

                   - build local church – the extended family of God


c)    Character

·         vs11,20  “Be strong and do it”

·         “Strong” (2388 Strongs) = to fasten upon, have coverage, conquer.

·         David encouraged him in need to focus his life and develop his character so he would complete what he started.

·         “Do it” = David encouraged him to personal obedience, to fulfil all the purpose of God upon his life.


iv)  Resources

·         David provided the resources for Solomon to build.

·         vs12  He gave him patterns which God had given him by revelation.

·         vs12  He gave him divine blueprints for his life’s work.

·         Ch 29:12  He also gave him the finances needed to do the work.

·         “A good man leaves an inheritance (legacy) to his grandchildren”  Proverbs 13:22

·         What legacy are you leaving for the next generation?

·         What time, thought, effort putting in to invest in the next generation?

·         What spiritual values?

·         What priorities?

·         What insights?

·         Greatest legacy you can have is spiritual, eternal – relationship with God.