1      Introduction

Luke 1:28-30  “You have found favour with God.”

·         Mary’s life lifted to new level of experience, enlargement, purpose.

·         Favour = presence and power of God, grace.

·         Favour of God = God’s presence and power acting on your behalf to give you an advantage in life so will and purpose of God accomplished.

·         “Found” (2147 Strongs) = to find by search, to obtain something sought.

·         Ephesians 3:20  God able to do more exceedingly than ask or think.

·         Luke 1:37 “For with God nothing shall be impossible.”


2      Example of Jabez  (1 Chronicles 4:9-10)

(i)            Background of Jabez = Sorrow

·                     “More honourable” (3513 Strongs) – kabad = glory, honour, splendour

·         Jabez stood out from his generation.

·         Holy Spirit draws attention to his circumstances and favour.


·                     Mother bore in sorrow

·         “Sorrow” (6090 Strongs) = to be in pain, sorrow, turmoil.

·         Birth surrounded in personal sorrow and pain for mother.

·         Entrance into life in painful circumstances.

·         Not how you start – it’s how and where you finish!

·         Not past that determines future – choices, destiny of God.


·                     Jabez (3258 Strongs) = to grieve, be sorrowful

·         Name in Bible describes nature, character, distinguishing feature.

·         Whenever asked his name: “Sorrow”.

·         Not content to be confined by past or people’s opinion.

·         Choice how life goes – must choose life.


(ii)           Sorrow can destroy hope!

God of hope – your joy, no man can take it, you let it go!

Luke 24:13-21  Disciples on road to Emmaus

·         “Sad” (4659 Strongs) = angry face, mournful, sad appearance, sullen face.

·         Consequence of Jesus’ death on cross.



·         Proverbs 13:12   “Hope deferred makes the heart sick.”

·         Needed hope renewed by (i) Word of God (ii) Encounter with God

(iii)          Jabez broke free of sorrow

·         Called upon the Lord

·         Romans 10:13   Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

·         Jabez sought God’s blessing!

Jabez sought three specific things

a)    “Enlarge my coast” = Increase (not just for self, leave legacy)

·         “Enlarge” (7235 Strongs) = increase, have more.

·         “Coast” (1366 Strongs) = border, boundaries, territory possessed.

·         Enlargement of responsibility, sphere of influences, authority.

·         Desired to break forth out of present limitations.

·         Dissatisfied – sought enlargement of his metron.


b)    “Hand with me” = Power of God

·         Hand of God – always symbolic of His power, miracles.

·         Exodus 15:6   Right hand glorious in power.

·         1 Chronicles 29:12  “In your hand is power and might, in your hand is to make great.”

·         Mark 16:17  “These signs follow those who believe.”


c)    “Keep me from evil” = Protection from demonic

·         Evil = adversity, calamity, destructive forces.

·         Grieve – that which causes sorrow.

·         Desired protection from demonic forces and victory over past sorrows – walk in new realm.

·         God gave Him what he requested.

·         Enlargement – Miracles – Protection

·         Didn’t happen as prayed – happened as he acted in faith and obedience.