1.      Introduction

·           Lk 16:10-12  Faithful in unrighteous mammon – commit to your trust true?

·           Context of Jesus’ teaching:

(i)   Lost people matter to God (Lk 15) – Love of God.

(ii)  Reality of heaven and hell (Lk 16) – Justice of God.

·           Jesus teaches faithfulness as a servant of God committed to His cause (Lk 19:10).

·           Faithful ̃ trustworthy and reliable in fulfilling responsibilities.

·           Faithfulness is developed and demonstrated in:

(i)   Small things.

(ii)  Money.

(iii) Serving another man.

·           Faithfulness is hard to find (Prov 20:6); qualifies for entrustment with “true riches”.

·           Faithfulness in finances involves:

(i)   Attitude to money – recognising value; make it your servant.

(ii)  Attitude to God – see God as abundant source; recognise God’s power to add.

(iii) Practical management.


2.      Practical Bible Keys

1.      Establish boundaries and fulfil commitments

·           Matt 6:33  Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added.

·           Seek first the Kingdom ̃ recognise God’s authority and power over every situation in life.

·           God has power to bless you and desires to bless you financially.

·           God desires to give you authority to overcome problems you face in life.

·           God’s authority is related to responsibility – what are you responsible to manage?

(i)   Identify things you are responsible for and embrace them.  SpouseChildrenHomeVehicleDebts?  God will help you take care for those things you are responsible for!

(ii)  Identify things you are not responsible for – they belong to God and others.

·           Eg, You have commitments to your family and to those who serve you.  Eg, power – if you receive electricity ̃ commitment and responsibility.  Fulfil personal commitments and responsibilities before giving out to others (I Tim 5:8).


2.      Deal honestly with all financial matters

·           Ps 84:11  No good thing will He withhold from them that walk uprightly.

·           Zech 5:3-4  The curse – for everyone that steals shall be cut off.

·           Steal = to take from someone, something that belongs to them without their knowledge or consent; deceive, secretly carry away.

·           Eg, Dishonesty with money; Insurance fraud; Theft of company property; Borrowing without knowledge or consent; Overcharging.

·           Theft requires confession and restitution to put it right again Exod 22:1-14.

·           Eg, Luke 19  Impact of salvation on Zaccheaus – desire to restore what was stolen.


3.      Pay taxes

·           Rom 13:1-7  Render to all what is due to them: tax to whom tax is due.

·           Every Government has God’s blessing therefore we must honour them.

·           Those who resist Government receive condemnation – curse upon life.

·           People try to justify neglect of paying taxes.  Luke 20:20-25  Jesus example.

·           To prosper and be blessed by God – must not resist what God has set in place.

·           Manage what have so do not have to pay more than is required.

·           Pay what is required without grumbling or complaining.  (Phil 2:14)

·           Whoever or whatever has authority deserves honour and respect.


4.      Honour the Lord

·           Mal 1:6  God requires that we respect and honour Him for who He is.

·           vs 8  God expects to be treated better than the Government ̃ respect!

·           Mal 2:2  God explains the curse that comes upon people who refuse to respect and honour Him and who only give Him leftovers.

·           Mal 3:7-10  When people cheat in finances there is a breach of friendship.  God expected His people to honour Him by giving the tithe.  God promised to open the windows of heaven and release financial blessing.

·           Prov 3:10  Honour the Lord with your substance … barns be filled with plenty.

·           Honourkabad – glory, make weighty, give value or respect.

·           Bring unto the storehouse – place of spiritual food, local church.

·           Prove me (974) to test, investigate, examine.

·           God desires us to follow His instructions and experience His blessing.


5.      Be a giver

·           Prov 22:9  He that has a bountiful eye shall be blessed for he gives.

·           Prov 11:25  The liberal soul shall be made fat.

·           God is a generous giver – learn to become a giver and develop the nature of God.

·           This begins at home – bless wife, children before blessing others.

·           As you cultivate a giving lifestyle God reveals Himself as a giver.  (2 Sam 22:26)

·           Giving is at heart of God – practice giving as a lifestyle.

·           Give away things you don’t need – listen to God and use wisdom.

·           Give to people who are doing something good and help them succeed.

·           Don’t just give to needy – God blesses people who apply His principles.

·           Eg, Matt 25:29  not just to the destitute (2 Thess 3:10  no work – no eat).


6.      Think like a farmer and sow

·           Matt 25  Servant who invested and increased was commended.

·           Farmer:  Tomorrows income is based on sowing today.

·           Reduce debt.

·           Receive advice.

·           Sow – invest.





1.      In what ways can we show greater responsibility in handling our finances?


2.      Zech 5:3-4  Honesty in financial matters

·           What is theft?

·           How does God deal with the thief?

·           What are some of the ways people steal from their employer?


3.      Rom 13:1-7  Pay your taxes

·           Why should we pay our taxes?

·           What is a ‘perkie’ or a ‘cashie’?

·           How should we treat these ‘cash’ jobs?


4.      Honour the Lord

·           In what way were the people dishonouring God?

·           What was the result of their dishonouring God.  (Mal 2:2-3)?

·           In what ways can we honour the Lord?

·           What promises does God give for honouring Him.  (Mal 3:10-12)?

·           In what ways have you experienced these things to be true?




·           What is the thing that has spoken to you the most in the scriptures we have looked at?

·           What do you feel God wants you to do about it?

·           What will you do about it?