Putting Honour Into Action




a)  Honour is essential in developing and building relationships.

Honour = a decision to place value, importance, worth upon a person accompanied by actions that communicate value and respect to them.

Honour can be earned because of a person’s accomplishments or character.

Honour can be given as your gift to them, not earned by anything they have done.


b)  Dishonour = a decision to despise, look down on, treat lightly, ignore a person, accomplish by actions/attitudes that cause them to feel devalued.


c)  God has honoured us by -

i)    Paying an immense price to save us.

ii)   Inviting us into relationship as Father - Son

iii)  Putting His Spirit within us so that He experiences life with us.




·      The Bible is very clear in its directives to honour and give value to people.

·      The source of our ability to give honour is God himself who continually values us and moves us to be His ambassadors and represent Him to the world.


a)  Honour in the community - (our witness to the unsaved)


i)    Elderly people

Lev. 19:32  “You shall rise up before the gray headed (elderly) and honour the face of the old man.”

·      Rise up = stand up in the presence of elderly as a sign of respect, honour.

·      The media tend to exalt the young, strong, attractive.

·      Our society tends to despise and cast off the elderly.  Increasing cases of assault.

·      Often elderly struggle with low esteem, loneliness, regrets, feeling unwanted.

·      Honour the elderly by standing up, showing kindness, making time for them, including them.


ii)   Employers

1 Tim. 6:1-2  “Consider masters worthy of all honour - don’t despise them”.

·      Show honour and respect for employer rather than joining the crowd who criticise.

·      When a Christian is disrespectful - Christ and his teaching are ridiculed and rejected.

·      Employers see Christians as a representative of Christ and expect more.

·      Give a good days work for a days pay.  Arrive on time and work diligently.

·      Show self reliable and trustworthy.

·      Don’t despise a Christian employer or take advantage of them.

            e.g. familiarity and disrespect (he is the boss!).  Poor quality of service.


iii)  Civic Leaders

1 Peter 2:17  “Honour the King”.

·      Each person in an office of civic authority represents the source of authority.

·      The source of their authority is God himself (Ro.13:1).

·      Honouring and showing respect for civic leaders or those in positions of authority is recognising the authority of God and giving honour to Him.

·      Examples of civic leaders : Mayor, police, school principal etc.

·      Even if the person in authority misuses or neglects to fulfill the role well God still requires that you maintain a right attitude.



e.g. David’s attitude to King Saul 1 Sam.24:4-7 / Daniel’s attitude to his overseer Dan. 1:8-12.


b)  Honour in the Church


i)    Church Leaders

1 Thess. 5:12  “Know them that labour among you, and are over you in the Lord, and admonish you, and esteem them very highly in love for their works sake.”

·      From God’s point of view the work of the church in the community is His highest priority.

·      Those who lead the church carry great responsibility and are subject to abuse, rejection, criticism and constant demonic attack.

·      Esteem highly = to honour and find tangible ways to express value and appreciation.

·      1 Tim. 6:17-18 Let elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honour, especially those who labour in the Word and in doctrine.

·      Honour is expressed by financial reward and personal appreciation and support.


ii)   Church Workers

Phil. 2:25 - 29  “Hold such in reputation because for the work of Christ”

·      Some people pour out their life for the work of Christ building the church.

·      Often extra pressure is upon these committed ones because of the failure of others to do their part.

·      “Hold in reputation” = give high honour, value to such people.

·      This is expressed in attitude, prayer, practical appreciation.


iii)  Widows

1 Tim. 5:3  “Honour widows who are widows indeed”

·      Honour = to value and provide practical and financial support.

·      Family have the first responsibility to provide for widowed parent or uncle/aunt

            Family members are expected to show kindness at home first.

            Family members are expected to repay the years parents have invested.

·      Family members that fail to support widowed parents.

            Have denied the Christian faith by their actions, works.

            In God’s eyes are worse than an unbeliever or unsaved person.

·      The church is to honour widows and practically support them provided -

            They have no family to support them.

            They meet certain criteria (verse 5, 9, 10).


iv) Church members

Ro. 12:10  “In honour preferring one another”.

·      Honour = value, esteem, worth.

·      Prefer = to lead the way or make room for others.

·      We are not to despise or reject members but to make room for them to contribute.

·      Each member has a vital contribution to make to the ministry of the church.

·      The church becomes strong as individual members flow together and contribute what they are able (Eph. 4:15-16).

·      Members are honoured and valued as ways are found for them to contribute and participate.

·      Members are dishonoured when they are despised or are neglected.









c)  Honour in the Home


i)    Children

Eph.6:2-3  “Honour your father and mother - first commandment with a promise - “go well!”

·      The attitudes of children to parents are most easily shaped when they are young.

·      Parents have a responsibility to train their children to respect them.  This is done through -

            *Loving kindness

            *Clear boundaries and expectations

            *consistent discipline

·      The failure of children to honour and respect their parents has lifetime consequences.


ii)   Wives

1 Pet. 3:1-3  “Husband won by lifestyle of his wife”.

Eph. 5:33  “Wife see that she reverence (honour) her husband”

·      Even unsaved husbands can be won to Christ by a wife who honours him.

·      How honour?

            e.g.      Appreciate his positive qualities

                        Don’t nag or harbor offenses

                        Consider what he says without reaction

                        Consult - seek his advise and opinion.


iii)  Husbands

1 Pet. 3:7  “Give honour to the wife as to the weaker vessel and as heirs together”.

·      If a husband fails to honour and value his wife his prayers are hindered.

·      Hinder = cut down, neutralise, frustrate.

·      How honour?

e.g.      Assume responsibility of leadership

                        Express praise and appreciation

                        Make time for meaningful communication

                        Protect/support her in areas of discipline

                        Provide some money for her personal use without requiring

                        strict accountability

                        Admit failures

                        Express affection and kindness

                        Guard heart purity (Mal. 2:11-16).


iv) Marriage and Sexual Relationship

Heb. 13:4  (Let) marriage be honourable in all and the bed undefiled”.

a)  Honourable (5093 Strongs) precious, valuable, held in highest esteem, reputation.

·      Marriage is a covenant relationship given by God to reflect the relationship Christ and the church.

·      God calls us to place high value on marriage and resist the worldly devaluation of marriage by defacto arrangements, divorce, homosexual “marriages”.


b)  Bed = (2845 Strongs) = Koite = sexual relationship in marriage.

·       Undefiled = (283 Strongs) = without contamination, pollution anything that taints it.

·       What defiles and dishonours?

i)    Sodomy (Dt.23:17)

ii)   Fantasy about other partners (Ezek.8:12)

iii)  Pornography as aid or substitute (Mt. 5:28)

iv) Oral sex - male/female mouth - unnatural;  defiles women

v)  Solo sex - masturbation alone (Lev.15:15-16;  Lev.22:4).

vi) Premarital sex (1 Thess.4:3-4) leaves bitter roots that defile.

vii) Adultery (Lev.20:10;  Death penalty, Mt.5:28)