God Values People




·      3 needs that people have - self worth, significance and purpose

·      Great area of pain that all people experience at some time:

a)  I am of no value

b)  What I do is of no value

·      Cry in every person’s heart is to be valued.

·      Sin devalues us;  people can devalue us - ignore, take for granted.  World devalues people and discards them.





            Rom. 1:21  Steps of deterioration in relationship with God.

·      Dishonour - ungrateful - become proud and selfish - relationship deteriorates.

·      First evidence of dishonour is ingratitude, take for granted.

·      Whenever take God/people for granted and fail to express gratitude and appreciate them we dishonour them.

·      E.g. children fail to thank mother and take for granted - dishonour.

·      Relationships deteriorate without honour.

·      Relationships are built and strengthened when we honour and value each other.

·      The Bible is full of commands to honour.





·      Honour Definition = recognition of a person’s worth by attitudes and actions appropriate to that value.

·      Honour       (5092 Strongs NT) = Value, money paid, price

                                    (3513 Strongs OT) = Glory, weighty, rich

(3366 Strongs OT) = Valuable, precious, prized, something rare.

·      To honour someone is to value them and give them a place of value in your life.

·      Dishonour   (819 Strongs NT) = Despise, remove value, make nothing of

                                    (3639 Strongs OT) = To insult, wound

                                    (5034 Strongs OT) = Despise, wither, lightly value.

·      People are dishonoured when we treat them of no value, despise or look down on them and refuse to make them welcome.

·      Rom. 14:1 - 4  “Receive” = (4355 Strongs) = To admit to friendship and hospitality.

·      We are to receive and welcome people because God has accepted them.

·      We are to receive and welcome people just as Christ accepted us (Rom. 15:7).

·      Despise = 819 Make nothing of

·      Judge = 2919 To try and condemn.








1 Cor. 12:23 - 26  Honour is vital to preserving relationship and unity in the church which is God’s family.


·      Some parts are more visible, others are not.  Each member must be honoured.

·      We need to honour people who operate unseen, or who seem of less value.

·      God wants us to honour one another to prevent division.

·      Schism = (4978 Strongs) - split, gap, tear in a garment, to sever.

·      Honour nourishes peoples spirit - they feel valued as a person.

·      When people are dishonoured - they are wounded, hurt and react by striving, fighting, withdrawal and division.

·      Attitude of honour must be accompanied by words/actions.

·      Note - NZ - Tall poppy syndrome/crab syndrome.

·      Crabs in pot - none escape - pulled down by the rest.

·      NZ find hard to honour - prefer to attack, find fault, criticise.

·      Why?  Roots of rejection and envy cf Moses & Korah Num. 16:3;  Ps 106:16.

·      1 Cor 12:26 - One honoured - all should rejoice, be happy with e.g. pay rise, new car, blessing, promotion.





a)  Why?         

i)    We are created in His image - spirit beings (Gen. 1:26)

ii)   He has purposed to share government of all (Gen. :27) His

creation with man.

iii)  He desires a family in the image of His Son (Rom. 8:28 - 29).


b)  How has God demonstrated the value He places on us?


i)    The Price - He went to extraordinary lengths to purchase us back.

·      Jn 3:16 - 17 God so loved - gave His only Son

·      1 Pet. 1:18 - 19 Redeemed by precious Blood of Christ.

ii)   The Pursuit - He actively seeks us raising up people to pray, reach out, share His Love, persevere through our reactions.

·      Lk 19:10 Son of man came to seek and to save the lost.

·      Mt. 28:19 Go ye - mandate to the church,, its mission.

iii)  His Presence - He is willing to make His residence in a house that is full of decay, corruption, cobwebs, spiders.

·      1 Cor. 3:16 Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit

iv) His Power - He is willing to release His power &provision on our behalf to meet our needs.

·      Heb. 4:16 Come boldly to throne of grace obtain mercy and grace to help.

·      Rom. 8:32 - Freely gives us all things.






·      Honour Him by giving the highest place and value in our life.


·      Hate sin - value His holiness

·      Express gratitude - Value what He has done

·      Daily time with God - Value His presence

·      Submit your plans - Value His direction

·      Obey His voice - Value His family

·      Friendship with Lost - Value His purpose and priority.


















































·      Don’t attempt to cover all the questions

·      Pray about what areas need to be emphasised

·      Discover what areas of Sunday’s message:

      -were new and challenging

      -really stirred them

      -bought a reaction



1.  Share an experience where you felt taken for granted or devalued.  How did it affect you.


2.  Share an experience where you expressed value or gratitude to someone - How did it affect them?


3.  Read Rom. 1:21 - 26.   What happens in people when they refuse to honour and thank God?  What kind of changes can occur?


4.  Read Rom. 14:1 - 4

·      Are there people in the church that you have despised or judged (No need to name them!!

·      What steps could you take to fulfill God’s directives in these verses what steps.

·      Are there people that you have taken for granted and not appreciated?  Who are they?  What steps could you take to change this.


5.  Discuss the 4 ways God has expressed how much he values you? (Price, Pursuit, Presence, Power).

·      Have you taken for granted God’s value and love of you?

·      What steps could you take to value the Lord for who He is and what He has done.